ADG talks: "Retailers have realized that the transformation of the market is inevitable"
On October 25 and 26, more than 600 representatives of Russian and global retail gathered at the second talk show of the conference ADG talks "The Future of retail" to discuss the latest trends in the industry, exchange best practices, make useful business acquaintances and learn about unique opportunities for growth your business.
"The transformation of the consumer market that we are witnessing is not a crisis, but a new reality. Structural changes in the retail market are taking place before our eyes. Luxury segment stores, which until recently it was difficult to imagine in a shopping center, create pop-up kiosks at metro exits, retail giants shrink to hundred-meter stores, online retailers go offline and vice versa, and those who recently sold rubber mats, today organize yoga courses. – opened the conference with a review of cases of flexible formats in retail Anna Obraztsova, Commercial Director of ADG group.
A real full house was caused by a safari on trends from the recognized world expert Jan Heere, at various times managing director of Inditex and Director of Development Marks&Spencer, who effectively explained how modern retail works, without what technologies will you stay in the Stone Age and what the modern buyer expects from the retailer.
"74% of buyers are confused if the content on the website is not personalized to their needs. 69% of consumers expect the appearance of augmented reality applications in retail in the next six months. By 2020, 30% of retail businesses will use AI to optimize at least one of their trading areas. Innovation is the secret of any company's survival.
Jan Heere
A new trend in the development of the market was noted by Evgeny Butman, founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of the group of companies IDEAS4RETAIL: "For many years, the engine of progress in retail was retail itself, and developers sat still and adjusted to their decisions. Now the situation has changed: developers create trends themselves and choose the retailers they want to work with.
Perhaps the best illustration of this approach was the presentation of a new generation retail project of a network of district centers ADG group.
The managing partner of ADG group, Grigory Pechersky, spoke about the changes in retail and the unique opportunities of the network of district centers that meet the challenges of the market.
"Moscow is a city ruled by early adopters. Contactless payments in public transport, taxi aggregators and carsharing, a Telegram bot instead of passport desks, a new generation buyer is already here, and he is waiting for what new you can offer him. And in order to effectively change to the needs of this buyer, you need a bold and innovative partner ADG group.
Forming the content of each of the 39 district centers, ADG group focuses on the needs of 2.5 million Muscovites living around. To ensure consistently high attendance, the company complements the mix of goods and services with impressions, activities and entertainment. For example, children's goods are combined with play areas, animators and clubs, sports goods work in combination with running clubs and yoga classes, and a culinary school, sommelier courses and tastings complement cafes and restaurants. This strategy will ensure consistently high attendance throughout the day and week.
Experts agreed that the only possible growth strategy for any modern company is to focus on the interests and needs of its customers and build trusting relationships with them.
The success of this strategy was also confirmed by Maxim Goncharov, Director of Adidas Academy: "A person wants to experience pleasure, emotions. It is important for a person to have a meaningful and meaningful life. If you understand this and tune in to the needs of a person, he will strive for you himself, because you share his values.
The second conference ADG talks brought together 19 speakers, dozens of practical cases, examples of new technologies, unexpected retail formats. And hundreds of enthusiastic listeners, intense discussions and thoughtful questions from the audience allowed us to identify one key trend in the development of Russian retail: the market is ready to change and is looking for an answer to the question "How to do it?»