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18.12.2017 | Альбина Весина

Learn Fashion business Online

Online educational portal and Fashion Consulting Group have launched a joint educational project "Academy of Fashion and Design". The Academy is a set of video lectures from leading specialists of the Fashion Consulting Group, the Center for Management and Communication in the Fashion Industry. HSE, and other companies divided into thematic blocks. The project was created for fashion industry professionals who want to increase their competence and broaden their horizons, for aspiring entrepreneurs in the field of fashion, as well as for everyone interested in fashion.



«The Academy of Fashion and Design» contains such blocks as «Management», «Marketing», «PR and Digital», «Brand Management», «E-commerce», «Showcase and Merchandising», «Fashion-buying and trends», «Fashion History», «Trendwatching», «Stylistics and Coloristics». Listeners can either watch individual lectures of interest to them, or, following the thematic structure, gain systemic knowledge of the industry as a whole. The main advantage of the online project is the opportunity to study with the best experts at any time and anywhere.In addition, on the portal, students can communicate and discuss the most pressing issues with the teacher and classmates, thus receiving the benefits of offline learning in a convenient online format. Among the teachers of «Academy» General Director of Fashion Consulting Group, Anna Lebsak-Kleimans, Head of the official FCG representative office of the international trend bureau and Director of the department "Assortment" FCG, Galina Kravchenko, chief expert FCG on business technologies in retail, Natalia Chinenova.


Upon completion of the Academy or a block of courses, students receive a diploma.


"We have been engaged in education in the fashion industry for almost 20 years and were actually the first in Russia to offer business training programs in this field," says Anna Lebsak-Kleimans. We notice that every year the bar of qualification requirements for industry specialists is rising higher and higher. Today, specialists of all levels live and work in a busy schedule, while they constantly have a need to update knowledge and technology. Stylists require knowledge of buyers, store administrators, knowledge of visual merchandising, store directors, technologies for evaluating the effectiveness of the trading floor, and so on. In order to save time and resources, everyone is transferring their work processes to the online space. Therefore, by offering the opportunity to improve their professional qualifications in an online video lecture mode convenient for them, we also try to optimize their working time as much as possible. The online academy is aimed at young entrepreneurs, for whom a flexible training schedule is important, as well as specialists from the regions, who will now have the opportunity to access lectures by leading experts while staying on the ground.

The program of the "Academy of Fashion and Design" can be found on the website.