Philips Lighting for the Internet of Things
At the Light + Building 2018 exhibition, Philips Lighting, a world leader in lighting, strengthened its position as a leading lighting company for the Internet of Things, announcing the launch of the IoT platform Interact, the appearance of office lighting systems with LiFi technology and street lamps with support for wireless communication, as well as the creation of other products compatible with integrated lighting systems.
"Our reputation as a leader in the number of innovations in the field of lighting is unparalleled in the industry, and this year we raised the bar even higher. Our latest LED solutions range from beautiful LED lamps made in vintage style to office lamps with LiFi support, a unique technology that allows you to improve access to broadband Internet through light waves. And since light is becoming really smart today, we have created an IoT platform that will provide our customers with new data-enabled services capable of creating additional services beyond simple lighting.
Eric Rondola, CEO of Philips Lighting
The new IoT platformInteract is designed to collect and process large amounts of data received from a growing number of connected light points, sensors and systems. A highly secure, scalable cloud platform leverages sophisticated and state-of-the-art light-based information management and processing capabilities, including machine learning, to harness the potential of data to create services beyond simple lighting.
Interact are integrated lighting systems that will not only improve the user experience in the field of lighting, but will also be able to generate and upload data to the IoT platform Interact. Later this year, the company will launch Interact Industry an integrated system for lighting factories, warehouses and logistics centers.
Being the leading lighting company for the Internet of Things, Philips Lighting was the first in the industry to offer office lighting solutions equipped with LiFi technology. LiFi is a two-way high-speed wireless technology similar to WiFi, but using visible spectrum light waves for data transmission instead of radio waves. Philips Lighting solutions with LiFi technology provide broadband connection at a speed of 30 MB/sec without compromising the quality of the lighting itself. At a speed of 30 MB/sec, the user can simultaneously watch several HD videos and at the same time communicate in a video chat.
Also Philips Lighting announced the appearance of two innovative lighting solutions. Philips TrueForce LED Road is the first SON-T LED lighting solution for street lighting, which facilitates the replacement of outdated lamps with LEDs without the need to replace the entire lamp. Philips CorePro LEDtube Universal T8 is a revolutionary line of lighting solutions for business, with the help of which it has become no more difficult to change lighting equipment than to change one fluorescent lamp to another.
Photo: Philips