Light industry development strategy until 2025
December 14 at The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs was chaired by the President of SOYUZLEGPROm, Andrey Razbrodin, a joint meeting was held The RSPP Commission for Textile and Light Industry, industry CCI Committee of the Russian Federation and The Board of the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs. The meeting considered the projectStrategies for the development of light industry in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and issues of customs and tariff policy in the industry.
During the discussion on the first issue, the participants of the meeting noted the lack of elaboration of the existing project on the following issues: staffing of the industry; stimulation of industrial modernization of existing enterprises; expansion of the register of measures to support the export of finished products; integration of the chemical industry and light industry; comprehensive development of the raw materials base of the textile industry.
At the same time, the problematic nature of greater tariff protection and, in general, state support for the industry and the domestic market in connection with the conditions of membership of the RF in the WTO was noted. At the same time, almost all experts disagreed with the main vector outlined in the project: it requires the creation of 10, maximum 15, large companies that will play a decisive role in the light industry. The reality is that over 80% of all production capacities in the industry are represented by small and medium-sized businesses. What will be the "fate" of such manufacturers if the mentioned "vector" of the strategy is implemented? But its developers evaded specific explanations on this issue. The draft does not reflect, as experts noted, the issues of import substitution, as well as measures to stimulate the sewing sub-sector, prevent the production/sale of counterfeit goods, illegal re-export.
Following the meeting, SOYUZLEGPROm was instructed to summarize these and other proposals of the expert community by the last decade of December of the outgoing year. In summary, they will be sent to the Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia and other relevant federal agencies.
More detailed discussion of the strategy can be found on the websiteСОЮЗЛЕГПРОМа.