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B2B Журнал
10.11.2017 | Альбина Весина

Subsidies on loans from the Ministry of Industry and Trade

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation expects to maintain over the next three years such a measure of state support for the light industry as subsidizing interest on loans, reports СОЮЗЛЕГПРОМ.


According to the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Viktor Yevtukhov,The Ministry of Industry and Tradeplans to maintain such effective state support measures as subsidizing interest on loans for raw materials, current activities and technical re-equipment, subsidizing the production of worsted and polyviscose fabrics for school uniforms in the next three years, and also for the implementation of the preferential equipment leasing program. In addition, active cooperation with leading foreign brands in the framework of contract production will continue.



This statement was made by Yevtukhov at the last meeting on the development of the garment industry.The event was attended by representatives of The Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs (SOYUZLEGPROM),CJSC Pskov Garment Factory "Slavyanka", representatives of Russian Outdoor Group, OJSC KHBC «Shuisky chintz», SportTex, LLC TD «Antey», LLC «Verona», as well as representatives of the leading enterprises of the industry.


"Light industry, especially in the segment of clothing, footwear and home textiles, is a large part of the entire trade turnover of the country. At the end of 2016, the sewing products market amounted to about 1.9 trillion rubles. We intend to focus our efforts on supporting the development of sewing and shoe production in Russia. We have quite good competencies here. Despite the fact that consumer demand for domestic products is not so high yet, we can confidently say that we have learned to work no worse than European and Chinese competitors,"Yevtukhov said at the meeting.

