Results of the "Russian Week of Light and Textile Industry-2019"
From March 19 to 22 in Moscow, at the Expocentre Fairgrounds, the Russian Textile and Light Industry Week 2019 was held.. This event is traditionally held by the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs (Soyuzlegprom) and the Expocentre Fairgrounds with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the RSPP at the beginning of the business season. The partner is Messe Frankfurt (Germany), one of the leading world-class companies in organizing and holding international exhibition and fair forums.
The Light Industry Week includes a number of exposition industry forums, including Inlegmash, Techtextil Russia, Intertkan, Legpromforum, and an extensive Business Program. This year, more than 2,000 specialists and experts of the industry took part in business events during four days of the Week.
About 150 speakers held a series of thematic sessions, round tables. More than 200 speakers participated in the discussion events of the Business Program – leading industry experts from Russia, near and far abroad. Over 1,200 exhibitors from more than 20 countries were represented at the exhibition. The total number of participants, visitors and guests was about 15,000 people, and the exhibition area was 20 thousand square meters. meters.
In parallel with the Week, an exhibition of shoes and leather goods was held at the Expocenter «Shoes.The world of skin». All exhibition and congress events were attended by representatives of leading Russian and foreign textile and light industry companies, politicians, public figures and journalists.
The high demand for the event in the industry is evidenced by the fact that, for example, at the exhibition "Inlegmash-2019", a variety of products of 87 largest manufacturers of textile equipment from 12 countries were presented. The exhibition "Intertkan" gathered about 200 participants from 29 countries, among which were represented the leading manufacturers of fabrics and textile materials from Russia, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Poland, Turkey, and Southeast Asian countries. The International Textile Trend Forum (Textile Expert Forum) was traditionally organized within the framework of the exhibition "Intertkan".
At the opening of the Week the welcoming speech was made by: State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Viktor Yevtukhov; Executive Vice-President of the RSPP Viktor Skerepov; General Director of the Expocentre Sergey Bednov; Vice-President of the RF CCI Elena Dybova; President of Soyuzlegprom Andrey Razbrodin. The listed persons also took an active part in the discussions and reports that took place during the Week.
The most important issues of the industry were discussed in detail on March 19 at the conference "Raw materials issue in the domestic textile and light industry", March 20 at the round table "Digitalization of the light industry: new drivers of development", March 21 at the conference « Prospects of digital transformation of textile industries of various scale and specialization".
Plenary session "Cluster approach in the domestic light industry", held on March 20, reflected the main trends in the industry focused on the formation of full-cycle clusters. The issues of foreign economic activity of the EAEU and the protection of intellectual property were considered during the conference "Intellectual property in the aspect of conducting foreign economic activity" (March 21). And on March 22, on the final day of the "Russian Textile and Light Industry Week", the XVI annual ceremony of awarding the National Industry Award took place « Golden spindle" according to the results of last year.
Summing up the results of the "Light Industry Week 2019", the president of Soyuzlegprom Andrey Razbrodin expressed the following opinion: "Of course, the promotion of the products of the Russian light industry is facilitated by the holding of the Week and, in general, industry exhibition and fair activities. But, in my opinion, it should be significantly expanded both geographically and thematically. I believe that the state, together with the business community, needs to pursue a targeted policy to promote competitive domestic products to the markets. This direction should become the most important part of the ideology of the state and business in the development of the domestic light industry.
Source: Soyuzlegprom