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B2B Журнал
12.03.2018 | Наталья Кулагина

Digital Transformation Conference

The Russian Export Center (REC) will act as a partner of the largest digital event in Moscow – conference «Digital Transformation: The City. Industry. Businesswith», which will be held on March 16, 2018 in Digital Business Space (CDP).


The organizer of the conference is the French-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI France Russie) with the support of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the City of Moscow and the Moscow Innovation Agency. The general partner of the event will be the company IBM.



Key Russian, French and other international experts in the field of business and IT will gather at the CDP site. Two fascinating conference sessions, pitching startups, new ideas and contacts. And all this in one day!



I session. High relations: what will help a business survive in a high-tech environment?

  • The state and business in numbers and in numbers.
  • Digital entrepreneurship: Analytics of global trends.
  • Digital economy. Blockchain. Cryptocurrency.


session II.New features VS new challenges.

  • Smart enterprise.
  • The legal side of the processes. About the complex in simple words.

3-minute pitches will be held in parallel with the conference sessions.The speakers will present their products and solutions in such areas as: 

  • retail;
  • production;
  • financial sector.

Speakers: IBM, Sberbank First, Nauka Innov, Fives, Orange Business Services, IBM, Dassault Systems, Atos, MTS, LavkaLavka and more. 
Participation in the conference is free of charge.


Read more: < span style="color:#A9A9A9;">CCI France Russie

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