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B2B Журнал
20.06.2018 | Альбина Весина

Development of non-primary exports

The Russian Export Center presented to the general public the preliminary results of its work Project workshop, created to form a national program for the development of non-resource exports. Within The Project Workshop has formed three industry groups: industry, agriculture and services, as well as five service groups.;: export regulation, financial and non-financial support measures, logistics of international trade, the EAEU and international barriers, the national promotion system.


Comments Andrey Slepnev, head of the REC Group: "The task that the President outlined as part of the instructions to increase the volume of non-primary non-energy exports implies that we must both improve existing support tools and develop new mechanisms. We will need to adjust the regulatory system, we need to work more carefully on measures of state budget support. We are in constant and close cooperation with Vnesheconombank, especially through financial support. Now our focus is on the development of investment programs for export-oriented industries.



Igor Shuvalov, Chairman of Vnesheconombank , who also attended the event, stressed that reaching the level of non-primary exports of $250 billion per year indicated in the May Presidential decree is a difficult but achievable goal, and the development of non-primary exports of Vnesheconombank's key priorities.It is important to identify projects that will develop the country's economy, including through exports, and provide them with investments.Vnesheconombank and its projects are budget support, guarantees and insurance, which will be carried out by the REC, as well as the capabilities of the SME Corporation. Expanding export opportunities as a large-scale task includes the production of high-quality competitive products in Russia, optimization of logistics, creation of new jobs and improvement of the quality of life of citizens.


Source: REC