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B2B Журнал
26.06.2018 | Лидия Соколова

Successful development of Ivanovo textile enterprises

At the meeting of the interdepartmental regional commission for monitoring the financial and economic condition of backbone enterprises Ivanovo region summed up the results of the first quarter, the press center of the regional Government reports. The list of backbone enterprises includes 40 enterprises of industry, agriculture, construction and road construction.



Among the 26 enterprises whose situation is monitored by the Department of Economic Development and Trade of the region, the most favorable situation has developed in companies in the field of light industry. As the head of the department Lyudmila Badak noted, revenue from the sale of products of backbone enterprises for the 1st quarter of this year exceeded 11 billion rubles. At the same time, the greatest growth was recorded at such enterprises as LLC "TDL Textile" – 20%, HBK «Navtex» LLC – 21%, OSP «Springs-Textiles», LLC «Nordtex» and JSC «Flight» Ivanovo Parachute Plant  60%. In addition, the monitoring revealed an increase in the average monthly salary at individual light industry enterprises.



In addition, according to the Central Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the foreign trade turnover of the Ivanovo region at the end of January - April 2018 with left 211.6 million US dollars, an increase compared to the same period last year by 4.3%. The share of exports in foreign trade turnover increased to 23.1%. The main exported goods remain textiles. The region also actively exports machine-building products and chemical industry products. The largest share in the total volume of exports fell on the Republic of Kazakhstan - 15.1%, Belarus - 14.4%, Germany - 8.9%, Ukraine - 6.4%, the Republic of Moldova - 6.1%. In the total volume of exports, the share of these countries is about 51%.


Photo: press service of the Government of the Ivanovo region andshutterstock