Results of the autumn "Mosshuz"
At the 73rd exhibition «Mosshuz» the number of exhibitors and professional visitors, compared with the spring exhibition, increased by more than 10%. 520 companies from 27 countries took part in the exhibition with the collections of the season spring–summer 2018. A wide range of men's and women's shoes of all price segments and styles, children's and teenage shoes, leather goods, as well as leather and component materials were presented at the stands. The event was attended by more than 11 thousand industry specialists. The most active visitors from neighboring countries were representatives of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Lithuania and Georgia.
The trend of returning companies that took a break from marketing activity continues, new exhibitors are being added. In total, 58 new and returning companies presented their brands at the exhibition.
The largest expositions traditionally represented the companies Zenden, Thomas Munz, Baden, Francesco Donni, Wortmann Group, Vitacci, Marko, Avenir, Analpa, Shoes Market, Patrol, GoErgo, ERTA, Rovigo, La Pinta and Evromoda.
Germany, Brazil, Turkey, Armenia, China, Uzbekistan were represented by separate national pavilions.
The specialized exhibition of shoes for children and teenagers Mosshoes’ Kids was one of the most popular among visitors, because this segment is the most stable and in demand. In September, 126 companies presented children's shoes at the exhibition.
40 companies brought collections of preventive and orthopedic shoes, among the participants are such companies as Sursil-Ortho, Polking, Happy Walk, Colibri, Ortho-Kids, Leopard Kids, Barracuda and others.
Leather goods – bags, accessories, travel goods and gifts – were presented at the exhibition Mospel, held in parallel with «Mosshuz». 62 companies from 9 countries of the world took part in the exhibition.
As part of the specialized exhibition Retail Concept, the companies Ecco, Tamaris, Zenden, Mascotte and Thomas Munz presented their franchise offers. Specialists of the Russian Franchising Association and the Franchising Academy held master classes for franchisors and franchisees, where they talked about modern technologies and features of the shoe franchising business. In total, 29 companies from Russia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy and Turkey presented their franchise offers at the exhibition.
A conference briefing on the future law on mandatory labeling of shoes received a great response, at which representatives of the expert group at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation told about the project and listened to comments and suggestions from industry representatives.
The third day of the exhibition was entirely devoted to retail trade. For the first time, the Mosshuz Retail Forum was held within the framework of the exhibition. The analytical session on the state and prospects of the Russian shoe retail confirmed: children's shoes remain the most stable in terms of sales, adult shoes are in demand in the segment of sports shoes that remain in fashion, the trend of increasing the assortment of stores due to leather goods and various accessories is strengthening. The overall result: retail is not expecting rapid growth, but is looking for ways to develop business at the expense of related product categories.
About using the social network Vkontakte as a sales channel and a tool for promoting your business told Alexandra Cherkas– Leading Customer Service Manager Vkontakte. The speaker presented the material in such a way that the session listener, returning to the office, could set up work on the social network independently.
In 2018, seasonal exhibitions «Mosshuz» will be held from March 13 to 16 and from September 11 to 14, and off-season exhibitions will be held from January 16 to January 19 and from June 5 to June 8.