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11.05.2017 | Степан Максимов

Randstad Award 2017: Portrait of an ideal employer in Russia

part 1 part 2


The largest independent study of employer attractiveness commissioned by Randstad, one of the leaders of the global HR industry, has celebrated its 17th anniversary in the world. In Russia, the starting point of the annual Randstad Award project was 2012. It was then that a partnership was established between Randstad and the personnel holding "ANCHOR". On March 30, Randstad and ANCHOR announced the results of the study for the fourth time and named the most attractive employers in Russia.




In 2017, the project covered over 3,500 leading corporations in 26 countries of the world. The world's largest employer attractiveness study is conducted in all participating countries by the leading international research group TNS Global. In Russia, the study was conducted in an online survey in December 2016, the names of the winners of the Randstad Award 2017 were determined based on the results of a survey of more than 14,000 respondents in 8 federal districts of the country. The study covered 20 market industries. The most attractive employers were selected from among the 250 largest companies in terms of the number of employees.



Key factors in choosing an employer


Every year, a study of the attractiveness of an employer commissioned by Randstad allows you to make a rating of the key factors that guide applicants when choosing a new job. In Russia, traditionally, the first two places are occupied by factors such as wages and financial stability of the company. This year, 69% of respondents voted for wages, and 60% voted for the financial stability of the company. A peculiar revelation of this year was that for the first time since the study was conducted in Russia, the top three were closed not by guarantees of long-term employment, but by career growth opportunities (42%). Over the past three years, the importance of long-term employment guarantees has been noted by more than 40% of survey participants (2014 - 44%, 2015 - 44%, 2016 - 48%). This year, for the first time, the guarantee of long-term employment did not reach the 40% mark - only 36% of respondents named it one of the key criteria for choosing a new job.

This is one of the evidences that the crisis situation in the economy, which we have observed over the past few years, is gradually being replaced by stability. Candidates who are not actively looking for work (who are not unemployed), with much more interest than two or three years ago, consider offers to change jobs without fear of being left out of work. Accordingly, their requirements to the employer are also increasing.





In addition to ranking the key criteria for choosing a place of work, respondents also assess how well a company known to them demonstrates these criteria. And the results of this part of the survey are no less significant for the formation of the employer's brand. According to people, employers are trying to attract talent by betting on criteria that are not the most important to them.


Thus, according to the results of a 2017 study, most Russian employers expect to increase their attractiveness by focusing candidates' attention on the company's social responsibility. Meanwhile, this criterion takes the last place in the ranking of key factors of employer choice. Employers consider the balance between work and personal life to be the second most important, while this criterion is only in sixth place in the ranking of applicants. The financial stability of the company is one of the most important factors for Russians (second place in the ranking of job seekers) and took the last place in the ranking of employers this year.



Thus, the strong gaps in the perception of job seekers and employers indicate that many companies do not know what their potential employees' ideas about the dream job are. In order to become an attractive employer, companies should carefully study the expectations of their target audience of specialists who are interesting to them as candidates.