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19.12.2018 | Альбина Весина

"Back to the Future" by Puma

On December 13, the German brand Puma put on sale an updated version of the 1986 sneaker model with computers in the sole.


Puma RS-Computer 2018 limited edition


The RS-Computer model, released in 1986, heralded a new era when athletes are using gadgets to track steps, distances traveled and calories burned. The new version retains the appearance of its predecessor, starting with a streamlined color design at the front and up to a bulky, protruding rear device in the style of a movie "Back to the Future".


Puma RS-Computer 2018 limited edition


Of course, a lot has changed since 1986. Firstly, Puma in recent months has struggled to keep up with consumers, who, under the influence of fashion, are abandoning minimalistic retro sneakers in favor of more voluminous models. More recently, buyers snapped up revived versions of classics from the shelves, such as Puma orStan Smith(a model from a competitor of the brandadidas). And this year they already prefer more voluminous shoes inspired by the design of luxury brands such as Balenciaga Triple S costing $900 per pair.


Puma RS-Computer 2018 limited edition


The main difference of the updated version is in technology.The boot RS-Computer (the name is derived from the Running System –«Running System»), which appeared in 1986, loaded data on steps, distances and calories of an athlete through a 16-pin connector to an Apple IIe home computer or a Commodore 64. The new one is equipped with Bluetooth technology, which communicates with Android and Apple smartphones. In addition, it comes with a application that manages and processes data. By the way, it is no coincidence that the application has 8-bit graphics in the spirit of old school. The only thing that needs to be connected to the sneaker now is a USB cable that charges the batteries.


Puma RS-Computer 2018 limited edition


Most likely, the new model will not compete with Strava and Garmin (popular mobile services for tracking sports activity), since Puma has released only 86 pairs with individual numbering, which they will be sold in the company's branded stores in Berlin, Tokyo and London.


Photo: Puma