Mark and track
By the end of 2018 the Federal Customs Service of Russia together with the Federal Tax Service will create a system of traceability of goods. It will cover the period from the release of goods by customs to their sale through cash registers in trade. This was stated by the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia Vladimir Bulavin, speaking on May 24, 2018 at the session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum: International coordination in the fight against illicit trafficking in industrial products: potential and prospects for development.
In his speech Vladimir Bulavin noted that the pilot project on marking and traceability of fur products has demonstrated its effectiveness. It allowed to "whitewash" the fur market, where in 2017, compared to 2016, the number of declared fur products increased almost 2 times. At the moment, an experiment on labeling tobacco products and medicines is underway, and since June 1, an experiment on labeling jewelry has begun.
The head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia expressed confidence that the system of traceability of the movement of goods being created today not only contributes to the establishment of state control in the consumer market, but also provides consumer protection and creates favorable conditions for business.
Comments Vladimir Bulavin: "One of the obvious advantages of traceability mechanisms is the ability to identify schemes and channels of illegal import of goods with their help. We believe that in order to achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to implement traceability systems in Russia and their distribution throughout the EAEU.
Developing the topic of countering the illegal turnover of industrial products, the head of the Russian customs noted the importance of creating Customs Register of Intellectual Property Objects. The register administered by the Federal Customs Service of Russia today has more than 4,700 objects. In 2017, the automation of the register was provided, which allowed the introduction of a paperless technology for the interaction of the copyright holder with customs (through the Personal Account of the foreign trade participant).
As a result of the fight against the turnover of counterfeit products in 2017, customs stopped the import of 10.1 million units of counterfeit products, prevented damage amounting to more than 4.5 billion rubles.
Source: FCS