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B2B Журнал
18.04.2019 | Лидия Соколова

Is retail ready to work with labeling?

The analytical agency «Levada Center» with the support of the IT company «ATOL» conducted a study of the readiness of retail projects to work with the mandatory labeling system of goods «Honest SIGN»


The study was conducted in order to find out the real status of companies and assess the degree of readiness of businesses to work with the product labeling system. The key task of the study is to determine the needs of the business and identify the degree of awareness of entrepreneurs about the upcoming changes in the retail market.


the system of mandatory labeling of goods


The survey was conducted from March 15 to March25, 2019, it was attended by 500 respondents from the retail sector. 89% of respondents have heard about the labeling of goods or are already familiar with it. 45% have not started looking for information yet. 29% know that the operator of the marking system is the CRPT. 76% of entrepreneurs already have online sales registers, 38% use 2D scanners. 39% of respondents have encountered counterfeit goods. 


The study revealed that, in general, the retail business is ready to work with the labeling system. But more than 20% of respondents in the entire sample prefer to search for information about labeling from solution providers and manufacturers of cash register equipment. 


Most of the respondents believe that the introduction of labeling will lead to: a) increased tax payments, b) increased state control of the market, c) protection of buyers from counterfeit products, d) withdrawal of illegal traders from the market, and e) improved opportunities for the development of honest business. Only 9% noted that they do not understand what issues labeling solves.

The study was conducted in order to find out the opinion of business representatives of target industries about the introduction of labeling of goods in Russia and to find out the degree of their awareness of changes, the project, readiness for them and attitude to innovation.

Oksana Greben, Levada Center, project manager

Entrepreneurs pay attention to how buyers choose a product and evaluate its authenticity. More than 41% of respondents said that buyers often ask for accompanying documentation for the goods or are interested in other confirmations of the authenticity of the goods. More than half of respondents believe that it is important to place information materials about the legal origin of goods in stores.

"Our project was developed in such a way as to quickly connect new product groups, be able to work out all aspects with the business, minimally affect already launched business processes and ensure maximum inclusion of SME representatives already in the pilot phase. The transition to labeling will give small and medium-sized businesses a whole palette of opportunities for progressive development.

Revaz Yusupov, deputy director of the CRPT

the system of mandatory labeling of goods


Respondents stated that they do not have enough information on the labeling of goods for work. Most often they talked about the required hardware and software, as well as how technically the labeling of goods will be implemented and what responsibility is provided for its absence.

«The volume of the cash register market in Russia – 2.5–2.6 million units. Over the past two years, ATOL has delivered more than 1 million cash registers to the market. According to our estimate, the total expenses of 95% of retailers will amount to only 5–7 thousand rubles: These expenses will be used to purchase a 2D scanner and update the software.

Alexey Makarov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the IT company "ATOL"

About half of the respondents who sell tobacco and are employed in the non-specialized trade sector know that the store should start scanning data from cigarette packs from July 1, 2019. Almost 30% of respondents are aware that from July 1, 2020, a ban on the turnover, production and sale of cigarettes without labeling will come into effect. From July 1, 2019, manufacturers and sellers of clothing and footwear will also have to switch to working with the product labeling system. 


The press conference was attended by Demidova Natalia Igorevna, Chairman of pcongratulations and CEO of the National Shoe Union, who spoke about the successful experience of passing a pilot project at the Russian shoe factory "Paris Commune" and dispelled the doubts of journalists about the complexity of working in conditions of mandatory labeling for both Russian and for foreign shoe manufacturers. 


Photo:IT companies "ATOL"