"Environment Design" at Lomonosov Moscow State University
Faculty of Arts Lomonosov Moscow State University invites creative, energetic, advanced young people to get higher education (bachelor's degree) in the field of training 50.03.02 "Fine arts", profile "Design environments». Future students are offered a unique opportunity to master the techniques of landscape design, costume design and interior design; gain drawing skills, understanding of space; plunge into the history of style; master professional computer programs, as well as visit Milan and Paris as part of additional classes , get acquainted with the European fashion environment and design schools.
Graduates of the Faculty of Arts of Lomonosov Moscow State University will receive an international diploma with an English translation that does not require nostrification.
A postponement from the army and training at the military department is provided for young men.
MSU students – citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a preferential educational loan «Sberbank » with state support.
Nonresidents (living further than the 5th tariff zone of the Moscow Railway) and foreign students are provided with a hostel.
Acceptance of documents from June 20 to July 7, 2017.
Additional set – August 2017
Entrance tests at the Faculty of Arts are held during the period from July 8 to July 26, 2017.
More information on faculty website.
Photo: Shutterstock.com