Befree in search of talents
The clothing brand Befree decided to help young talents who are just starting their way in the fashion industry. Recently, the brand announced the launch of an online platform where beginners and professionals will be able to create a creative portfolio and share their work.

Befree is not afraid of competition. The brand is interested in forming a domestic fashion community, so it is going to organize various contests on a monthly basis, the winners of which will be able to receive a contract with Befree, a fee and PR support. You can already read the terms of the first one on the Befree Co: Create website.

"It is not easy to enter the fashion business, it often requires luck or acquaintances. That's why we decided to give people the opportunity to become visible to the professional community. The hub will be a launching pad for them and a place where business meets talent. We will buy an illustration from someone, develop a collection with someone, call someone to the staff - we do not exclude any turn of events. We will be glad if other brands notice the creators thanks to Befree." — underlined Alyona Povysheva, Head of creative networking Befree.
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