B2B Журнал
"Arguments and Facts": "School is coming soon!"
A round table on the topic "strong" was held in the press center of the Publishing house "Arguments and Facts" Soon to school! What form to choose – price, main quality criteria, fashion trends».

The event was attended by: Razbrodin Andrey Valentinovich, president of Soyuzlegprom; Galicheva Maria-Marta Andreevna, head of the press service of the Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo); Snytnikova Elena Konstantinovna, Head of the Soyuzlegprom school uniform Committee; Bogomolov Vladimir Georgievich, Deputy Executive Director of the NGO Soyuzform Lopandina Svetlana Konstantinovna, General Director of the Central Research Institute of the Garment Industry (JSC TSNIISHP); Larin Mikhail Yurievich, head of the public project«Safe school uniform» Gordeeva Svetlana Fedorovna, Deputy General Director of ANO "Expert and Educational Center for assistance to future and established parents"CHOICE OF PARENTS" Andrey G. Krutov, member of the Association of Manufacturers of Children's Goods (AIDT); Sysak Olesya Petrovna, psychologist.
Andrey Razbrodin in his speech stressed that one of the main problems associated with school uniforms is the absence of the very concept of school uniforms, as well as standardization of the quality parameters of consumer goods in the current legislation of the Russian Federation. He called for the introduction of uniform quality parameters of school uniforms, unification according to climatic parameters and national characteristics, which may indirectly affect the reduction of the cost of school clothes, but the association in no way advocates the introduction of unity of style and color in school uniforms.According to Razbrodin, a national standard of school uniforms is needed (the definition of which, by the way, can be clarified for "clothes for students"), as well as a system of subsidizing the purchase of uniforms for low-income citizens.

Head of the Press Service of the Russian Quality System Maria-Marta Galicheva told about the research of school clothing items conducted by Roskachestvo in the last three years. Among them are jackets, sundresses, shirts and trousers. As part of the 2018 test, secret buyer mode was conducted in 27 regions of Russia.Purchases of 62 trademarks were carried out. Among the sanitary and hygienic indicators of the samples studied were: hygroscopicity (the ability of the fabric to absorb and retain moisture), breathability (the ability of the fabric to breathe), toxicity, the ability to change linear dimensions during washing (shrinkage), pilling (the ability of the fabric to form so-called "pellets").
Roskachestvo states big problems with the safety of fabrics: a large number of synthetic polyester fibers were found in the examined samples, which provide a "greenhouse effect" and do not allow the child to feel comfortable. Violations are sometimes associated with the fact that manufacturers are deceived by the suppliers of fabrics themselves. According to Maria-Marta Galicheva, it is also necessary to combat this problem by introducing the state standard of school uniforms.

The head of the committee on school uniforms at Soyuzlegprom, Elena Snytnikova, recalled that the question of the need for school uniforms did not stand either in tsarist Russia or in the USSR.
Deputy Executive Director of the NGO "Soyuzforma"Vladimir Bogomolov singled out sanitary-hygienic, physico-mechanical and aesthetic among the criteria for the quality of school uniforms.
Deputy Director General of ANO "Expert and Educational Center for Assistance to future and established parents"PARENTS' CHOICE" Svetlana Gordeeva spoke about a study conducted by her organization in more than 40 regions of the Russian Federation, which showed that more than 70% of parents are positive about the idea of introducing the form. At the same time, 54% of respondents believe that it should be clothes of the same color and style. 62% of respondents want to participate in choosing a uniform together with an educational institution. 77% of parents believe that the uniform helps to minimize signs of social stratification, overcome adolescent problems, focus on the educational process, and also save budget funds.
The head of the public project "Safe school uniforms"Mikhail Larin drew the attention of the audience to the inadmissibility of dictating the choice of manufacturers of school uniforms by state institutions, including executive authorities.
Psychologist Olesya Sysak noted that most children may oppose the school uniform, but if they participate in its choice, the reaction may be reversed. According to Sysak, the introduction of school uniforms will psychologically have a beneficial effect on children, instill discipline, focus on learning, and get rid of the competitive moment in appearance.
General Director of the Central Research Institute of the Garment Industry (JSC TSNIISHP) Svetlana Lopandina also noted the need for school uniforms and the approval of its quality criteria.
Member of the Association of Manufacturers of Children's Goods (AIDT) Andrey Krutov spoke about the discussions that are taking place among manufacturers of school uniforms outside Moscow and the Moscow Region.
Photo: Soyuzlegprom
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