Afimall City starts checking
The inspection of fire safety systems will affect both tenants and public areas, the condition of fire exits and evacuation routes.
Scheduled inspections of the state of fire safety and technical systems in the Afimall City shopping center take place once a quarter. They also traditionally include checking public areas, evacuation routes, the status of fire alarms and alerts of all zones.
From 100 to 120 thousand people pass through the Afimall City shopping center every day. There are many restaurants, a cinema, a children's entertainment center.
«Every tenant of the Afimall City shopping center » undergoes a thorough check for technical and fire safety before opening, - says Alla Nogai, Operating Director of the Afimall City shopping center. Sometimes the planned opening is even postponed due to the fact that the installation work of the tenant was performed with a deviation from the design documentation in violation of fire safety standards. I know that not everyone likes our tough stance on technical and fire safety issues, we even have conflict moments with tenants, but we are aware of our responsibility primarily to the visitors of the shopping center and do everything to make their stay with us comfortable and protected from ridiculous accidents.