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B2B Журнал
01.12.2017 | Степан Максимов

Afimall City recorded a record attendance

This year, on "Black Friday", a record attendance of 120 thousand people per day was recorded in the Afimall City shopping center .


Black Friday ("Black Friday") is an annual sale that takes place at the end of November and opens the Christmas sales season. The sale starts on Friday and lasts throughout the weekend. Traditionally, the event is characterized by an increase in the flow of visitors in retail stores.


Last Friday (November 24), the analytical system of the shopping mall recorded an increase in customer traffic by 15% compared to "Black Friday" last year, and the average turnover of shopping mall stores in these three days increased by 40%.



Recall that the core of the audience «Afimall City» are visitors aged 25–39 years, of them women – 59%. The majority of Afimolla buyers are married or married (61%), the share of unmarried is 32%.


The conversion rate over the past year has not changed and remained at the same level of 85%, which indicates the targeted nature of customer traffic.


According to analysts, more than a third of employees "Moscow City", who spend weekdays in the business district, come to "Afimall" and on weekends, explaining this commitment to the opportunity to combine leisure with shopping, availability a fitness center, an entertainment complex and a multiplex cinema.