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20.03.2019 | Альбина Весина

They grow big and small

part 1     part 2     part 3         part 4


According to Louise Ulanovskaya, Director of Strategic marketing of the shopping center "Mosaic", and loyalty programs in retail are reaching a fundamentally new level. "In 2019, with the development of big data technologies and the improvement of IT platforms, loyalty programs will begin to affect not only traditional benefits (points, discounts, gifts), but also personalized offers and solutions that affect emotional connections based on consumer values (eventfulness, exclusive collections, personal delivery and etc.)», – lists Ms. Ulanovskaya.

In S.A. Ricci they also talk about widespread digitalization and the use of new technologies. Retailers in all segments will continue to actively test digital tools for working with customers (for example, "smart" assistant manager at points "Svyaznoy-Euroset" and intelligent chatbots launched by MTS and "Beeline"). Augmented reality applications are popular (an application from Sephora that allows you to "try on" makeup, Style My Hair from L'Oreal, an application from IKEA with which you can "place" interior items in a real setting).



In addition, retailers are starting to develop more compact formats in all segments. For example, in 2018 IKEA opened design studios in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Tyumen, – lists Olga Yarullina. – The emphasis in development is shifting towards small shopping centers or shopping centers of the "at home" format. Thus, ADG group continues to implement the "District Centers" project, which includes the construction of 39 district-scale shopping centers. The goal of the project is to provide buyers of residential areas with a high-quality and diverse (as in the center of the capital) offer of goods and services and create conditions for leisure activities within walking distance from home.



In 2018, 27 new international retailers entered the Russian market, 13 of them representing the fashion industry. More than 50% of the brands that have entered the Russian market represent the "premium" segment, 39% "medium", 7% "luxury" brands. However, experts note that many retail chains, especially premium and high price segments, will continue to optimize and reduce costs without active expansion. At the same time, the mass market segment will expand its presence in the market in some cases. According to analysts, we are talking about brands already represented in Russia, which are actively looking for opportunities to open stores both in Moscow and in the regions. Among them are Melon Fashion Group, Familia, Terranova, O’stin, Funday, Concept Club, Kari, etc.



"We expect that the number of new brands entering the Russian market will decrease, while companies that have planned to launch stores in Russia in 2019 will attract a local partner in 90% of cases," reports Nadezhda Martynova, Head of Retail Services at JLL. In 2019, we expect the return of a major fashion operator Mexx to the Russian market, as well as the release of Chinese retailers Urban Revivo and Li Ning, the American men's clothing brand Izod, brands & Other Stories, Boxer and others. At the beginning of this year, the Swiss Intersport and The Athlete's Foot (TAF) chains have already announced their withdrawal from the market, we expect the closure of Motivi stores and a number of other fashion operators. In general, we note the trend for multichannel among fashion retailers: the combination of online and offline formats allows us to meet the needs of regular customers as much as possible, offer them to make purchases where it is more comfortable, as well as win the loyalty of new users, ultimately increasing sales. So, in 2019, the opening of the first offline Lamoda Market store is expected, while the retailer continues to develop an online platform, creating additional points for issuing orders in the regions, thus using both formats for shopping.


Against the background of the trend to reduce the number of foreign brands, the brands of domestic designers can get another chance for development. However, experts note that while foreign brands still remain a priority for consumers.

In turn, in street retail, according to the estimates of S.A.Ricci, the trend of replacing fashion operators with catering establishments will continue. Already in 2018, catering operators accounted for about half of the total number of tenants on the main pedestrian/transport and pedestrian corridors of Moscow and occupied the largest share in the structure of demand (almost 38%).


To be continued.


Text: Ekaterina Reutskaya

Photo: shutterstock