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B2B Журнал
26.09.2018 | Альбина Весина

So advanced

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Historically, according to Mr. Anisimov, retailers expected customers to visit a store to find and buy a desired product or order a service: success consisted in converting a visit into a purchase. However, it was the Internet that "rolled up" the era of showcase shopping: now consumers can price and buy without leaving home, all the necessary goods can be delivered or picked up when it is convenient. «Now not «Attendance = Sales », but «Increased consumer benefits = Sales», – the expert believes. The ability to make profitable purchases at a time when it is impossible to visit the store, is an omnichannel. When choosing online tools, the main difficulty is creativity: the ad must be noticeable, whether it is a text or a banner. That is why more and more customers are choosing video, since online is now the most noticeable video format. But here the question of quality production arises, which has always been a problem in our country.



However, demand creates supply, and many brands can now boast of original and noticeable advertising online. The latest example is the 2018 FIFA World Cup. I think you've never seen such an abundance of interesting Nike videos in all communication channels. In other countries, traditional promotion channels are gradually ceasing to exist or are being improved, advertising is becoming more personalized – digital billboards on the roads read the radiator grilles of cars and launch a video for a certain sample of the target audience by income level. A similar thing has recently appeared in Moscow. The main trend is the unification of all channels, both traditional and innovative, into one channel, an increasing personalization of advertising: advertisers will have a growing base of their potential customers of a certain age, with a certain level of income and interests, these customers will see ads only for those products in which they are interested. Such promotion will move from online to offline, and people will see billboards on the streets and in the subway advertising only the goods they need, or watch TV and see only the advertising they are interested in.


According to Denis Kosachenko, one of the successful applications for mobile platforms in the end remains Edadil – the experience of this resource can also be used by fashion segment brands in the future. "This is a project that combines classic tools: leaflets with promotions in supermarkets and online search and price comparison," the expert reminds. The resource is created for those who want to save money, and is implemented as simply as possible. As a consumer, I would like to have the same opportunity for other categories of goods, because it is really convenient. It is unlikely that consumption channels will change in the near future, since at different ages, different regions have their own specifics and the one who realizes himself in all possible sales channels will win. In addition, according to recent studies, more than 70% of millennials have stated that they need offline stores. Yes, they go there not specifically to buy something, but for fun, but as a result, they have goods in the package. Retailers just have to rebuild their work to be able to serve such customers, but also not forget about their classic customers.



According to Knight Frank, over the past 8 years, the share of online commerce in Russia's retail turnover has grown almost fivefold and, according to forecasts, will continue to grow rapidly.


Instagram Facebook and Instagram are becoming the main success factor for brands and retailers, as well as high-quality logistics and last-mile warehouses. For companies specializing in online sales, the speed of delivery of goods to the buyer is one of the most important competitive advantages. If 5–7 years ago, the buyer was ready to wait for his order for 2–5 days, now customers expect delivery the next day after placing an order or even day to day.

Cushman & Wakefield agree: worldwide, the development of online commerce, the transformation of city centers into territories free of cars or with limited traffic, as well as the active development of convenience retail have already led to a sharp increase in demand for logistics areas inside or near cities in order to reduce delivery times and the possibility of prompt delivery of small shipments. A striking example is the online retailer Amazon, which rented two floors in an office building on Fifth Avenue in New York for a warehouse of the Amazon Prime service at the rental rate of office space. The company is seeing an increase in the number of requests for warehouse space along the MKAD, as well as inside the city. A separate segment of demand is small areas up to 500 m inside the Third Transport Ring in locations where delivery of orders by couriers by metro, on foot or by bicycle is possible. The emerging trend will not replace the existing network of logistics parks located at a distance from the city, but will create opportunities for the emergence of new formats in the warehouse segment, such as urban logistics.


According to various estimates, the e-commerce segment generated from 25% to 30% of 2017 demand for warehouse space in the Moscow region. IPG Estate, in turn, reports that up to 90% of requests for warehouse rental in St. Petersburg are also requests within the city, preferably closer to the metro, and due to the lack of this offer, it is already necessary to offer facilities in the north and south of the city beyond the ring road. According to Alexey Vanchugov, the importance of the competitive advantage of fast delivery in the promotion of brands will only increase.


Text:Ekaterina Reutskaya

Photo: shutterstock