Novosibirsk: fashion trends from all over Russia
On August 1, the second international fashion Management Forum opens in Novosibirsk.Fashion Management Forum. The formua program will host a lot of training lectures and master classes, as well as All-Russian competition of collections of designer clothes and accessories. About fifty Russian and foreign fashion experts from 3 countries and 20 cities are invited to the forum. The event will be attended by novice and experienced designers, image stylists, marketers, analysts, representatives of light industry enterprises, trade organizations, buyers, teachers of industry universities, representatives of international competitions.
The Forum will be held in several stages. From August 1 to August 15, leading fashion experts will hold a super intensive for designers, image stylists, seamstresses, designers and fashion marketers. And during August and September, will take placeAll-Russian competition of collections of designer clothing and accessories in eight different categories. Applications for participation can be sent to the organizers until July 25.
For the second year in a row, Fashion Management Forum establishes the nomination "Fashion of Equal Opportunities", which celebrates modern and comfortable clothing for people with disabilities.This year the model of the show will be the famous dancer, participant of the TV show "Minute of Glory" and "Dancing on TNT" Evgeny Smirnov.
We are improving the format in the spirit of the latest trends and strive to bring more useful and interesting things to it. Fashion Management Forum creates opportunities for the development of fashion market participants in the trend "Industry 4.0". Our goal is to create an effective platform for integrating creative ideas into the consumer market! Fashion-Management Forum is the territory of success!
Elena Sukhina, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum of Business and Fashion Fashion Management
Winner The All-Russian competition of collections of designer clothes and accessories will have the opportunity to organize its own corner and sale of clothes in the flagship store Bizzarro, as well as a month of individual consultations in the business accelerator Rapid Forward Agency (Moscow), patterns for industrial sewing of the collection, certificates for training and much more. The winner of the first place automatically becomes a participant in the International Competition "Admiralty Needle" and a candidate for the National Award of the Academy of Fashion Industry "Golden Spindle".
The Fashion Management Forum will end with a grand gala show of the finalists of the competition. The guests will see about 30 fashion collections of clothes and accessories created from scratch for the new fashion season. The final of the Fashion Management Forum promises to become one of the main fashion events in Siberia and Russia.
Photo: Fashion Management Forum