New ADG group network
In 2019–2020, on the basis of 39 old cinemas in residential areas of Moscow ADG group will open multifunctional district centers.The developer has already reported on obtaining permits for the reconstruction of 20 out of 39 objects.Moskomexpertiza approved 34 projects of the future network, Moskomarchitecture approved 36 projects.
The project of ADG group to create a network of district centers is currently the largest in terms of the number of objects on the Moscow retail real estate market.The total planned area of the network is 480,000 sq. m.
Comments Grigory Pechersky, Managing Partner of ADG group:"Reconstructing 39 facilities over several years is an ambitious task. The fact that the project has moved to an advanced stage of implementation is the merit of hundreds of people who believe in the success of the concept: these are our team, contractors, representatives of the city authorities and a financial partner. Our goal is to create high-quality and convenient infrastructure for leisure activities in residential areas of the capital, to revive the historical function of Soviet cinemas. We will make district centers new points of attraction for citizens, while ensuring the commercial efficiency of each object.
All the buildings involved in the project were purchased by ADG group from the Moscow Government at the end of 2014. At the time of purchase, 39 buildings were called cinemas, but in reality film screenings took place in only 11 of them, and most of the facilities were closed.
At the end of July, ADG group launched the second block of facilities, in particular the Neva River in the Levoberezhny district, Mars in the Altufevsky district and Dawn in Koptevo. By the end of the third quarter of 2018, several new "Elbrus", "Dream", "Baikonur", "Prague", will be added to the 8 sites where the developer is already conducting active construction work.laquo;Solntsevo» and «Patriot».
Source:ADG group press service
Photo: shutterstock