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B2B Журнал
14.07.2017 | Степан Максимов

Meeting of retail chains and manufacturers of home textiles

The availability of retail chains for Russian manufacturers of home textiles and other light industry goods, the orientation of retailers to expand the range of these products, the clarification of criteria for granting preferences to domestic producers – these and a number of other issues were discussed by the participants of the July 11 in Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation joint meeting "Russian home textiles in retail chains. Problems and prospects". The discussion took place in preparation for the upcoming government meeting on the development of the domestic light industry at the end of August with the participation of Vladimir Putin.



Soyuzlegprom was instructed to prepare specific proposals for consideration, including on this issue.


Retail representatives noted that the product range in the networks is dictated by demand and, accordingly, by the consumer. Therefore, measures to regulate the network assortment will distort competition and de facto impose a proposal.


As the President of Soyuzlegprom, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, noted in his speech Andrey Razbrodin, "the chain of manufacturers of light industry and retail should be unified, interconnected and based on joint integrated development. Meanwhile, the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs, the first of the specialized unions of non-food industries, signed a Code of Good Practices with the networks, aimed at solving the aforementioned tasks.


Read more about the discussion on Soyuzlegprom website.


Following the meeting, the participants put forward a proposal to hold the following discussion on the interaction of the industry with retail on the site and with the active participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

