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B2B Журнал
07.01.2019 | Наталья Кулагина

Measuring in a new way

The size and type of the figure are the key parameters of the buyer in the fashion industry. But anthropometric indicators are variable, their change is influenced by many different factors. For the production of clothing, it is extremely important to have accurate data, and modern technologies such as 3D scanning of the body, which provides standardized measurements, help in this. We talked to Maxim Fedyukov, CEO of Texel, which developed the unique Texel Portal 3D scanner.


part 1     part 2 part 3


Please explain what is a Smart fitting room?


«Smart fitting room» – this is a service based on a 3D model of a person. He helps customers in choosing clothes based on their size, gender, age, as well as taste preferences.


There is no longer a need to try on dozens of things in search of the perfect fit. With the help of this service, a person learns all the necessary sizes of his body in a matter of minutes and receives trending collections of clothes suitable for him. At the same time, stores get to know their customers more accurately and increase the conversion rate and average receipt due to a personal approach.


Texel Portal 3D Scanner


So far, our scanner Texel Portal MX will be used to obtain a 3D model . In the future, we plan to move away from using a scanner and switch to a solution based on a single sensor and a single-board computer. This will allow us to obtain a 3D model of the quality required for measurements, while in the form factor of a compact box that can be placed on the wall, along the movement of people in the store. Our R&D department is already developing a prototype, the release of a pre-production sample is scheduled for the second quarter of 2019.


At the moment, in order to receive recommendations, the buyer is scanned on the Texel Portal MX scanner installed at the point of sale, after which he can receive a link to his individual profile on the phone with recommendations on the size and style of clothing, as well as ready-made collections of clothes from the store's assortment.


Now we have successfully completed a pilot project with one of the largest malls in Europe, which was attended by more than 20,000 people. During this pilot project, our partners were more than 30 mall stores, collections of clothes from which customers could receive.In the near future, it is planned to launch our service together with major well-known companies in Russia, England and Austria.


From the question history


The last time large-scale population measurements were carried out in the USSR was in 1975. Partial measurements of the population (1,500 people in the Moscow region) were carried out in 2001–2004. The population has changed a lot in 14 years.European studies indicate an increased variability of anthropometric parameters, including body proportions and weight of people.Clothing manufacturers note an annual increase in the remnants of clothing that does not fit consumers in size. It is necessary to adjust the current patterns of clothing, and for this you need to conduct a new study, at a new technological level.


According to experts of the Central Research Institute of the Garment Industry, even a partial mismatch of clothing with the size and shape of the figure can lead to disruption of the functions of internal organs, blood circulation, changes in blood pressure and other health problems.


3D body scanning is a modern technology that provides accurate, fast and standardized measurement of anthropometric parameters. Compared to manual measurements, 3D body scanning allows you to get more accurate and reliable results.


Research based on 3D scanners can show the real picture and provide data on various target groups for the fashion industry.


Natalia Kulagina was interviewed

Photo: company «Texel»