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B2B Журнал
13.06.2018 | Степан Максимов

Firefighters return to inspections

The so-called "supervisory" holidays for small and medium-sized businesses have ended, BUYBRAND Inform reports. The State Supervision Authority will be returned to control the design, construction and operation of crowded places. After the infamous case in "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo, the chairman of the State DumaVyacheslav Volodin instructed to create a working group under the House Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption to summarize legislation in the field of fire safety in structures associated with mass stay of people.



"The proposals from more than 140 representative and executive bodies of state power of the subjects of the Federation, from deputies of the State Duma of all factions, profile committees are analyzed and summarized. We expect feedback on the already prepared initiatives from the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and all interested experts," said the head of the working group.Vasily Piskarevat a visiting meeting of the Duma Committee, which was held at the Noginsk Rescue Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on June 7. Right before the meeting, the department conducted exercises at this site, where various objects were extinguished from the ground and air.


Since 2007, the State Supervision practically did not participate in the activities of companies at the stages of design, construction, capital repairs, reconstruction and commissioning of facilities. But from this year everything will change. Now preventive raids on inspection of public buildings by representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will become regular. Their number will be regulated. But no one will warn businessmen about upcoming inspections.

The entire verification process will be filmed on camera to exclude the corruption component. Moreover, the new old security provision will concern not only the owners of the premises, but also tenants, as well as subleaders.

