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B2B Журнал
28.06.2017 | Степан Максимов

73rd Mosshuz Exhibition

Collections of the spring-summer 2018 season will be presented by Russian and foreign companies from September 5 to 8 at the 73rd exhibition "Mosshuz". More than 500 companies from 26 countries of the world will demonstrate their products. At the stands of the participants, wholesale buyers and retailers will find the widest range of men's and women's shoes, leather goods, as well as leather and accessories of all price segments.


The largest expositions will feature such companies as Zenden, Thomas Munz, Wortmann Group, Vitacci, Marko, Avenir, Rovigo, Analpa, Shoes Market, Patrol and others.


Manufacturers from Germany, Brazil, Iran, Uzbekistan, Armenia and China will present their products with national expositions. Visitors will be able to see European brands at the stands of manufacturers from Italy, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, Portugal, Austria, Poland, Belgium, France, Denmark, Serbia, Slovenia, Estonia.



The constant increase in the exhibition over the past years is due, among other things, to the appearance of new participants from foreign countries presenting their products in Russia. In September, such companies as Cesare Gaspari, Deva Ayakkabi, Sayiner Ayakkabi, Daniellee Shoes will take part in the exhibition for the first time. After a long break, Turkish manufacturers Molly Bessa, MYM Shoes, Kemal Pafi, Perlina, Blue Stone, CAS World are returning to the exhibition.


Shoes for children and teenagers will, as always, be presented in the section Mosshoes Kids, the largest specialized exhibition in Russia. Also, a special section of the exhibition will be devoted to preventive and orthopedic shoes.


The specialized exhibition "Leather and accessories" will offer all the necessary materials and equipment for production. The exhibition area will increase by more than a third compared to the previous March exhibition.


Leather goods – bags, accessories, travel goods and gifts – will be demonstrated at the exhibition Mospel, held in parallel with «Mosshuz».


Within the framework of the section "Shoe franchising", Russian shoe retailers will be able to get acquainted with ready-made business concepts adapted to the current state of the shoe market, evaluate all the advantages of franchising as a format for the distribution of shoes and accessories. One of the most popular shoe brands in Russia – the Danish company ECCO– sponsored and actively participated in the section.


During the «Mosshuz» , visitors and participants will be offered a rich business program. The focus will be on current topics: "Fashion trends", "Analysis of"pain points" of the market", "Secrets of a successful business in retail from the first person".


The September event will be an anniversary: exactly twenty years ago, the first exhibition "Mosshuz" was successfully held in Moscow. For all these years, it has been the main business platform of the Russian shoe market.