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B2B Журнал
24.09.2018 | Альбина Весина

Moscow – Dusseldorf – Moscow

part 1 part 2    part 3


The record temperatures of this summer were in the hands of the organizers of fashion exhibitions that took place in July in Dusseldorf, – the air-conditioned rooms attracted the audience and contributed to a longer viewing of collections.


In fact, summer fashion exhibitions in Germany are tuned not so much to laudatory reviews and winning reports, as to thoughts about the development of the global fashion industry as a whole, about what needs to be done in order not to be left out of this multinational and diverse ark. Yes, there is still enough space for everyone on it: both but­­ vich, and recognized authorities. But how will the roles be distributed in the future, who will row and who will steer? In the near future, it will probably not be possible to find an answer to this question. But you can try to influence the situation now.In addition, we have a unique opportunity to first get acquainted with the experience of our Jewish colleagues, and then try not to repeat the mistakes they made.


Igedo company has extensive experience in promoting fashion industry products and organizing successful exhibition projects for clothing, footwear and accessories trade. Therefore, it is not surprising that everything was organized at the highest level at the Gallery exhibition. Starting with the fact that during the days of the exhibition, all registered participants could move between different sites where the exhibition expositions were located on special minibuses and passenger cars. A very simple and intuitive navigation system prevented buyers from different countries from getting lost, even if they did not know German and had little command of English. In addition, the exhibition participant's ticket granted the right to free travel on public transport in Dusseldorf. So, even if you were late for the last shuttle, you could take a bus, tram or metro. The fact that the exhibition area was dispersed into different rooms in the city was more of a plus than a minus. Gathering in small groups, exchanging information, shop owners and merchants of different network formats moved between the spaces of the main exhibition Gallery in Halle 29 and 30 to the Supreme exhibition site, and then to Fashion House.


"We are happy with this season," sums up Ulrike Koehler, Managing Director of Gallery and Gallery SHOES projects. – Attendance at all venues over the three July days was almost at the level of the last two seasons. Of course, fluctuations were more noticeable in some segments than in others, but in general, we can admit that, despite the extreme weather conditions, the exhibition showed good results. Following the requirements of the time, we are becoming and can change the industry. We are doing everything to ensure that our project and its participants receive not only good results, but also opportunities for development. And we are very happy with our new concept. It allows you to fill the gap in the market that has emerged in recent years. With the Showroom concept, we propose a format that is absolutely modern in terms of service and economic efficiency. This is in addition to the extraordinary atmosphere and all the European marketing that our platform offers. The strength of the brand, the offer and the segment of one exhibitor complement the others, and this allows visitors to show the full range of products that determines the success of the fair for everyone.



Moscow – Dusseldorf – Moscow


Record temperatures of this summer were good for the organizers of fashion exhibitions, which took place in July in Dusseldorf, as the air conditioning of the premises attracted the audience and contributed to a longer viewing of the collections.

In fact, summer fashion exhibitions in Germany make us not so much to speak words of praise in reports but think about developing of the global fashion industry as a whole, about what needs to be done to avoid being overboard this multinational and diverse ark. There is still enough space for everyone: both, for beginners and recognized authorities. But how will the roles be distributed in the future? Who will row and who will steer? The answer to this question, probably, will not be found in the nearest future. But you can try to influence the situation right now. In addition, we have a unique opportunity to first get acquainted with the experience of European colleagues, and then try not to repeat their mistakes.
Igedo has a great experience in promoting fashion industry goods and organizing successful exhibition projects for the sale of clothing, footwear and accessories. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the Gallery exhibition everything was organized at the highest level. Starting from the fact that during the exhibition all registered participants could move between different sites on which the exhibition exposures were located on special minibuses and cars.

A very simple and intuitive navigation system did not allow buyers from different countries to get lost, even if they did not know German and were not good enough at English. In addition, the ticket of the exhibitor granted the right to free travel on public transport in Düsseldorf. So even after being late for the last shuttle, you could take a bus, tram or subway. The fact that the exhibition site was dispersed in different rooms in the city was more a plus than a minus. Going to small groups, exchanging information, store owners and purchasers of different formats of networks moved between the spaces of the main exhibition Gallery in Halle 29 and 30 on the site of the exhibition Supreme, and then in Fashion House.


"We are satisfied with this season," Ulrike Kahler, Managing Director of Gallery and Gallery SHOES, summarized. - Attendance of all sites for three July days was almost at the level of the last two seasons. Of course, within some segments, fluctuations were more noticeable than in others, but in general it can be recognized that, despite extreme weather conditions, the exhibition showed good results. Following the requirements of time, we are changing, and we can change the industry. We do everything to ensure that both our project and its participants receive not only good results, but also opportunities for development. And we are very satisfied with our new concept. It allows you to fill a gap in the market that had emerged in recent years. Showroom concept allows us to offer a format that is absolutely modern in terms of service and cost-effectiveness. This is in addition to the extraordinary atmosphere and all the European marketing that our platform offers. The strength of the brand, the offer and the segment of one exponent complement others, and this allows visitors to show the full range of products that determine the success of the fair for everyone."


To be continued.


Text: Andrey Utochkin

Photos provided by the organizers, shutterstock