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B2B Журнал
25.12.2017 | Лидия Соколова

Young professionals will gather in Ivanovo

The Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers «Young Professionals» WorldSkills Russia  has confirmed the right Ivanovo region to host on its site in 2018 the All-Russian qualifying competitions in competence "Fashion technologies", according to the official website of the regional administration. The Ivanovo region defended this honor according to the results of a competitive selection conducted among the regions Russia.



Readiness The Ivanovo region to host next year the All-Russian qualifying competitions on competence "Fashion technologies" was discussed back in October, during a working meeting of the acting Governor of the Ivanovo region Stanislav Voskresensky and the General Director of the Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers "Young Professionals" Robert Urazov. Qualifying competitions – this is the official championship for the competencies of WorldSkills Russia. They are held in order to form the composition of participants in the Final of the National Championship «Young professionals» – WorldSkills Russia. In addition, the Department of Education of the Ivanovo region informs that in February next year in Ivanovo region will host the third regional championship «Young professionals» – WorldSkills Russia in 23 competencies.

