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02.04.2019 | Лидия Соколова

Thermopol is 15 years old

«The day of the foundation of production» – it is under this name that the group of companies «Moscow factories of nonwovens "Thermopol"» celebrates April 2 15 years since the beginning of the production of insulation, known today under the brand name Holofiber®.


"On this day, first of all, we thank our partners and friends of the project, without whom the success of the common cause would be simply unthinkable!»

Viktor Gontar, General Director of LLC "Thermopol", Member of the Board of the All-Russian industry organization "Soyuzlegprom"


Moscow factories of nonwovens


15 years ago, the first industrial line with automated control was put into operation in Moscow. The era of production of a new type began. Today, production facilities located at two sites in the region are successfully producing products: in Moscow and the Moscow region. Hundreds of companies from various sectors of industry cooperate with the Group of Companies, and the products of the plants "Thermopol" are in demand in many sectors of the economy.


The development of the project is based on the main principles of the formation of modern industry: innovation and universalization. A systematic approach to the development of new types of non-woven products allows factories to not only expand the product line in various industrial sectors, but also increase the number of jobs in production, involve young professionals in production and business processes, conduct the latest research for the development of science.


Moscow factories of nonwovens


Here are a few dates from the chronicle of the project:

2004. The first plant in the country has been opened «Thermopol» with unique technological functions.  

2005.The production of the first serial non-woven materials of a new type using a mixture of fibers of a wide range of linear density from 0.08 tex. has begun. For the first time in Russia, a technology has appeared capable of producing bulk non-woven materials with a surface density from 70 to 4000 g/sq.m. on one line.

2006. Implementation of the system of automatic analysis and quality control of nonwovens Holofiber. Today, this sitsem is used for Russian brands: Arquinter, Arkprotect, Ecosoft, Sport-Mat and others.

2006. The beginning of the introduction of a systematic practice of technological analysis of the quality of thermal insulation materials for workwear, on the results of which technical conditions and national standards (GOST) are based today.  Innovative developments «Thermopol» are tested in leading domestic and foreign centers. This: Research Institute of Nonwovens, Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Hohenstein, Centexbel, Societe Generale de Surveillance, Gazprom Security, IC INTERSIZ, INTCTLP, FBU "Rostest", Central Research Institute of the Garment Industry and many others. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation approves products «Thermopol» as the most high-tech material for the needs of Russian Army.


Moscow factories of nonwovens


2007. The plant's products are recognized as the best domestic product for the army. New industry standards are being introduced, according to which the transition is being made from the use of natural materials in the textile industry to more technologically advanced synthetic ones.For the first time among domestic companies, Holofiber is certified according to the international system «Trust in textiles»OEKO-Tex. Since that moment, the product annually receives confirmation of environmental friendliness and safety from the laboratory Hohenstein (personal number 06.MI.48480). Developed by Holofiber® TEK heat-protective material for the needs of the oil and gas sector of the economy. The beginning of the development of the Holofiber ® «New generation » (NG) with protection against thermal risks of an electric arc.

2008. With the participation of volunteers Holofiber® has confirmed its high qualities in the natural conditions of the Arctic.

2010. Holofiber is recognized as a well-known trademark (Rospatent, No. 101). The plants' products have been approved for use on the International Space Station. The material for shoes Holofiber® FOOT is recommended for IV and IA climatic zones («Special», «Arctic»). 

2011. Due to the growing popularity and as a consequence of fakes, the company was forced to implement a counterfeit protection program.

2013. The working opening of the second production site «Thermopol» in the Moscow region.

2016 – 2017. A self-regulating fiber-based Holofiber THERMO system has been developed, tested and implemented, which has received the Mark No. 1 Made in Russia and positive responses to field tests on Yamal at critically low temperatures.

2018 is the beginning of 2019. Production sites have been modernized. wk and announced the development and special release of nonwovens with a number of added properties, the presentation of which will take place in the near future.


The group of companies «Thermopol» does not stand still – the project is constantly developing and improving. A new concept of "strong" has gained fame and respect among specialists. The Technological school "Thermopole"», which reflects the perspective views of the company's team on the development of the project in particular and the Russian industry as a whole.


Photo: GC "Thermopol"