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B2B Журнал
24.04.2017 | Степан Максимов

The "Franchise Festival" took place in Moscow

The 9th International Exhibition and Conference «Franchise Festival» was held in Moscow, where well-known entrepreneurs shared their experience and talked about upcoming trends in the field of franchising.


More than a hundred Russian and international brands took part in the franchise exhibition. In three days, the exhibition was visited by more than 5,500 people: entrepreneurs, top managers and investors. Visitors came from the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Ukraine, India, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.



All three days of the exhibition were accompanied by a rich business program, within the framework of which panel discussions and round tables were held, at which participants actively discussed the development of the franchising market and issues worth paying attention to when opening a franchise business. Within the framework of the conference, a discussion was held on the topic "Support for small and medium-sized businesses. Lending, financing and investments". The speakers noted that interest in franchising in Russia is only growing, more and more people are interested in the development and growth, sale and purchase of profitable franchises.