Quality to check
Roskachestvo together with Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia is starting to study the quality of clothing for schoolchildren. In 27 regions of Russia, experts will anonymously purchase school uniforms and examine them in specialized laboratories in three areas: safety indicators, quality and increased consumer properties.
As part of the study, 62 brands of trousers for boys (one of the most common elements of school uniforms) produced in Russia, as well as Belarus, China and Italy will be tested. The study will include products from Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk and Kazan, as well as goods produced in the Kostroma, Pskov, Volgograd, Ivanovo, Kaluga regions, Krasnodar Territory and other regions of Russia.
The study will allow analyzing the quality of incoming fabrics from which finished products are sewn, as well as evaluating the quality of processing of these materials.
"Parents will be able to use the results of the study as a kind of "consumer navigator" that will help them choose the best uniform for schoolchildren. At the same time, manufacturers will see what parameters they need to focus on when ordering components and fabrics for sewing school uniforms.
Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov.
"The results of the study will be reviewed by the State Commission for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Industrial Products with the involvement of all interested departments and control bodies to take measures against market participants who will find themselves in the "gray" zone due to non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation"," noted Minister.
The study will take place on 60 parameters of the quality and safety of textile products, including all indicators of the current Technical Regulations and GOST (TR CU 007/2011 "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents", GOST 25295-2003 "Upper coat and suit assortment. General technical conditions), as well as a number of additional indicators that directly affect the comfort of the child.
Among the main indicators are the presence of toxic elements, the parameters of resistance to staining, the ability of the fabric to breathe, absorb and retain moisture. In addition, the test program included «consumer» indicators –abrasion, strength, pilling (the appearance of pellets during operation), change in linear dimensions –that is, «shrinkage » after washing.
Meet the standards of Roskachestvo and get a Russian The Quality mark can only be durable clothing, sewn from really high-quality fabrics, with high sanitary and hygienic characteristics.
The results of the study will be presented on the portal of Roskachestvo in August, just at the time when most parents buy school clothes for children.
Photo: shutterstock