Influence marketing in the Russian fashion market
Influence marketing is a special way of promoting goods and services through media personalities on social networks or other platforms. In recent years, this type of marketing has become especially popular in the Russian fashion market. Cooperation with influencers increases coverage, increases the client base, and creates an understanding of the brand, so it is not surprising that this direction is now popular. For the fashion industry, advertising through bloggers is especially necessary, because clients most often choose brands through visual content.
In this article, we have prepared some tips for our readers that will help them achieve maximum results from cooperation with bloggers.
Understanding the specifics of social networks
There is no single algorithm for all sites; each social network has its own audience, algorithms, specifics, all this must be taken into account. Brand owners often make the same mistake: when launching advertising from a blogger, they do not study the features of the social network, which is why they do not achieve their goal. For this reason, before agreeing on cooperation with a blogger, you should carefully study all advertising platforms and choose exactly those that correspond to the brand’s target audience.

Search for bloggers
When choosing influencers for cooperation, you need to pay attention not only to the number of subscribers, but also to their activity. It often happens that a blogger with millions of subscribers has a “dead” audience that does not show any activity and does not bring in new clients. Many well-known Russian brands cooperate with micro-influencers, as they have a more active audience that closely communicates with the blogger and trusts his advice and recommendations. Reach statistics can be directly requested from the influencer before cooperation in order to predict advertising results.

Audience Relevance
It is also very important that the bulk of the blogger’s subscribers match the portrait of the brand’s potential clients. For example, if you bought advertising for your business clothing brand in a classic style from a blogger whose content is dedicated to sports, competitions, and sports equipment, then, of course, your target audiences do not match and you are unlikely to attract new clients.

Creating Relevant Content
Vivid, interesting and engaging content will not leave anyone indifferent and will attract the attention of customers to the brand. You shouldn’t settle on one specific advertising format, experiment, you need to constantly look for new creative solutions so that the brand is constantly heard and follows the latest trends.

Conclusion of long-term cooperation
One-time advertising posts and monthly contracts bring significantly less coverage. It is much more effective to collaborate over the long term, so that both the brand and the blogger get used to each other, understand common tasks and goals, and build more trusting and strong relationships.

Influence marketing is a great way for both a new and established brand to make itself known: advertise the release of a new collection, talk about the start of a sale, invite to an event, etc.
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