From June 1, we mark shoes
According to a document distributed online, the shoe labeling experiment will begin on June 1 and will last until the end of 2018. Manufacturers and importers of shoes will be obliged to take part in the experiment. Sellers are still invited to experiment on a voluntary basis. The decision on the means of identification will be made by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. So far there is evidence that preference is given to barcoding.
Inspired by the success of labeling fur products, the developers of the Resolution hope for the same result regarding shoes. At the end of the experiment, it will be decided whether it is advisable to introduce mandatory labeling of shoes throughout Russia. The Ministry of Industry and Trade does not hide that the experiment is aimed at combating counterfeiting in the shoe market. In the future, this anti-counterfeiting measure is planned to be extended to outerwear, blouses, shirts, toilet water and perfumes, cameras and wheels.
The discussion will last until February 8. Learn more.
Photo: shutterstock