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B2B Журнал
06.12.2017 | Альбина Весина

"Cloud" in pants

GC «KORUS Consulting» has developed a cloud service KORUS | Forecast, which allows FMCG retailers and distributors to predict the demand for goods at a new level. The service is deployed on the Microsoft Azure platform and combines modern technological solutions and many years of experience of a system integrator in automating enterprises in various sectors of the economy.


KORUS | Forecast – is a high-precision cloud forecasting service created using unique methods of pre-processing and data transformation. The service automatically makes a demand forecast for each product and/or store of the network for each day, for the selected horizon in the future, without restrictions on the amount of data and performance. It takes into account both the internal data of the retailer and distributor (based on all historical data up to the receipt) and external data, such as, for example, the competitive environment.

The service works with the raw data of the retailer/distributor, which allows you to almost completely remove the burden of data conversion on the customer's side. All calculations and transformations are performed in a specially designed raw data storage in the cloud by experts «KORUS Consulting».


KORUS |Forecast combines a new methodology and offers a special economic model for calculating efficiency. The methodology consists in analyzing the current situation of the retailer/distributor by the level of write-offs of goods, the level of out-of-stock and the cost of storing goods for a certain period. Then, mathematical modeling of the improvement of indicators is performed when applying the forecast calculated in the service. The final step is a pilot project lasting one month - proof of the economic effect on the selected pilot facilities. If all three steps are successful, the client is invited to continue using the service in a wider scope for a monthly payment with a dedicated support line of experts «KORUS Consulting».

"The service model is already becoming the norm when solving optimization business tasks, including demand forecasting. If earlier it took years and tens of millions of rubles of investments before it was possible to see the economic result from the introduction of optimization systems, now, with the advent of clouds and a service approach, the bill goes for months, and initial costs are not required, comments Konstantin Dobrotok, Head of the Optimization Systems Department of the ERP Group of Companies «KORUS Consulting». The combination of new methodology and economic efficiency model KORUS | Forecast allows you to quickly get an effect equal to 0.3% of the retailer's/distributor's turnover by optimizing insurance stocks, reducing the level of write-offs and out-of-stock, which in the current difficult the economic situation may prove to be a strong instrument of competition in the market.



GC «KORUS Consulting» a Russian system integrator offering services for the creation, optimization and automation of business processes, implementation of information systems, IT consulting, IT outsourcing and implementation of complex projects. The company was founded in 2000. For the fifth year in a row, the IT integrator is included in the list of the best employers in Russia according to the HeadHunter portal. The Optimization Systems direction was created within the ERP department two years ago and offers services for solving optimization problems.

