«CJF. Children's podium" is preparing for the new season
At the international exhibition «CJF –Children's Fashion-2018. Autumn", which will be held at the Expocentre Fairgrounds on September 25, 2018, bright, festive in its atmosphere and professional in efficiency and practical results, will be the next children's and youth fashion show within the framework of the project «CJF. Children's catwalk».
The fashion show, as before, will bring together the leading participants of the market of fashionable children's clothing. New collections of the spring/summer season next year from the best foreign and domestic brands will be demonstrated. New trends, colors, fabrics, new solutions are shown.
According to the project manager «CJF. Children's podium" and PROfashion KidsJulia Popkova, a mutually beneficial partnership is developing between the companies and the organizers of the Podium. The organizers are interested in preserving the former and the appearance of new project participants, and the companies are interested in showing their new collections to buyers who come to the exhibition. After seeing the models during the runway show, buyers go to the stands of the exhibitors whose products attracted their attention.
"The main result is that our participants receive orders from buyers. That's why they participate in the exhibition and for the same purpose a "Children's podium" is needed. Expocentre is fully engaged in the technical equipment of the project. Therefore, the podium is always five-plus in terms of equipment, music, light, etc."
Yulia Popkova,Project Manager «CJF. Children's Catwalk»and PROfashion Kids
Industry professionals highly appreciate the CJF exhibition and its "highlight", such as CJF. Children's catwalk"."Daria Alekseeva, commercial director of the company "Kidsmoda" (TM Boboli) notes that children during the fashion show "clothes look in a completely different way than on hangers, more attractive". Participation in the project «CJF. The children's podium", in her opinion, "increases brand awareness, new customers come to the stand from the shows".
The shows on the Children's Catwalk of the autumn exhibition CJF this year will take place from September 25 to 27.
Photo: CJF, shutterstock