Blue gave Vologda flax
The popularity of linen knitwear is closely connected not only with the development of fashion, but also with the unique consumer properties of flax fibers. Linen yarn allows you to create a feeling of freshness and pleasant comfort in hot weather, its texture is pleasant to the touch, and modern processing methods make linen clothes incredibly beautiful.
Flax fiber has been serving people since time immemorial and will serve for many years in the future. A healthy lifestyle is increasingly popular, so the attention of buyers is drawn to natural fabrics. Flax has a long and glorious history – it was one of the first materials whose benefits people fully realized. And despite such a long-standing friendship, not everyone can produce high-quality clothes from this material.
The production and trading campaign «Voltri – Eurodesign» produces a wide range of upper knitwear made of linen. The company has been on the market for more than 40 years and has been working with this wonderful material all this time. Over the years of its existence, serious changes have taken place in the world. There were times when the company was squeezed by a huge number of competitors, and times when it worked in this market completely alone. The company was able to survive all the economic shocks only due to the fact that it was always in search of a new one.
The company's specialists are sure to implement all their plans. If there are no technologies for the production of a new type of product, they will develop them and bring them to perfection. The company makes the fabrics itself, and keeps the production methods secret. There are no new in-demand textures on the flax market, which means that the team will create them as well. Boiled, squeezed, crumpled, any – brand specialists are always looking for something else to surprise the buyer so that he believes that flax is the most unique material for the production of clothing.
The name "Vologda flax" reflects not only the production of knitwear itself on Vologda land, but also the use of unique Vologda linen yarn in their manufacture. It is very difficult to create a high-quality linen knitted product on automated knitting machines. Yarn is very difficult to process on knitting equipment. It is rigid, not smooth enough, and knitwear is unstable in shape. That is why the selection and preparation of yarn are of great importance. The company has been working with linen yarn for more than two decades and, with good reason, considers Vologda yarn to be the best. No less important than the selection and preparation of yarn is the selection of equipment and knitting mode, which should exactly correspond to a specific goal. In order for the product to keep its shape, it is necessary to strictly observe the technological parameters of knitting. The finished product should be subjected to wet-heat treatment in accordance with the type of yarn used. That's why every buyer who wants to get acquainted with linen clothing and not be disappointed in it, the technologists of «Voltri» advise to pay attention to the choice of the manufacturer and remember that cheap is never good. Linen clothing cannot be cheap, because a natural product is used for its manufacture. It is sold cheaply by one-day firms, of which there were a huge number until recently and who have no experience working with this difficult material. And most often, some kind of mixture of cotton and chemical fibers of natural "linen" color is given out for flax.
The demand for linen products is growing every year. Knitted clothing with the brand "Vologda flax" is supplied to 80 regions of Russia, as well as to the countries of the near and far abroad. Every season «Voltri – Eurodesign» offers new models of clothes of completely different styles. The national color using the methods of artistic decoration and elements of the classical direction have been successfully embodied in modern collections. Elegant interlacing of gray linen yarn, the use of colored yarn, openwork, lace, various types of finishes are indispensable conditions for the production of linen yarn clothing. The collection of "Linen charm" is very interesting. It was presented in 2008 at the Sochi Fashion Bazaar Festival and received good reviews from the organizers of the largest All-Russian fashion forum, Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Lyudmila Ivanova.
As a member of the association "Folk Arts and Crafts", the company is constantly working on finding new forms of souvenirs and interior items made by Vologda region craftsmen. In the near future, a new shop "Vologda crafts" will open in Vologda, stylized as a Russian hut. There will also be wicker baskets and buraks, birch bark curtains and boxes, Vologda lace, icons, panels and decorations from Vologda finifti, wooden products with paintings from Vologda firm Nadezhda, wood carvings, woven rugs, patchwork, dolls, ceramics and much more.
A new direction of the company's work, created last year, is gaining momentum - the production of souvenirs in the form of fairy-tale characters, animals made of knitted fabrics.
And how many new ideas have yet to be implemented! And all this will be done with the brilliance of natural Vologda flax.