The firm «Voltri» presents a wide range of women's, men's, youth clothing models made of linen and flax-containing yarn under the trademark «Vologda flax».
Linen knitted clothing has high wear resistance and numerous factors that favorably affect human health. The company is constantly working on creating new clothing models that meet modern fashion trends. Two industrial collections are released annually - autumn-winter and spring-summer. Traditionally, fashion designers work with the gray natural color of flax, varying its perception with different structures and weaves.
Elements of traditional Russian handicraft are very actively used. Hand knitting. Creating linen knitwear using hand knitting is quite a laborious process. Almost all products are unique.
The company presents its collections at prestigious Russian competition venues, all of them have been awarded honorary awards.Among them is the medal of the Golden Sirin of the first degree of the competition of industrial collections of clothing of the Russian Style of the All-Russian intersectoral exhibition of domestic goods. Buy Russian. Already four times the collections of the company managed to win the highest award of the Russian Fashion Festival "Ples on the Volga. Linen Palette », held under the patronage of Slava Zaitsev. The company is the owner of the Grand Prix and a regular participant of the International Exhibition – fair «Russian flax ».
The quality of our products is confirmed by medals and diplomas of the international competition «Environmentally friendly and safe products».
Flax is a business card of the Vologda region and our company is proud of the fact that linen products are worn with pleasure in all regions of Russia and abroad.
Photo: Shutterstock.com