CJSC "Pskov sewing Factory"Slavyanka" was established in 1945. Now it is the largest and steadily operating sewing enterprise in Russia for the production of men's and children's suits. The volume and quality of clothing are supported by 1,000 people involved in production. The factory is run by Elena Aleksandrovna Kosenkova Honored and Honorary worker of the textile and light industry, The best Manager of Russia, twice winner of the competition «Business Person of the Year», awarded the Order of Honor by decree of the President of Russia V.V. Putin in 2002.
The trademark created by the factoryTRUVOR is represented in many cities of Russia and CIS countries, has a wide dealer network and its own stores.
In 2002, the company's quality system received international certification. The specialists of the Certification Center TUV CERT NORD GmbH (Germany) noted the high level of quality of all aspects of production activities, which is confirmed every year.
Men's and children's suits TRUVOR also receive recognition at international, Russian and regional exhibitions of light industry. CJSC «Slavyanka» received the title«The best company of the year» (2015, 2016), a sign of public recognition «Star of Quality of Russia (2015), awardGolden Spindle (2018), diploma of the winner of the National Award in the field of Fashion Industry in the nomination "Industrial Collection" (2018). In 2017, the factory entered the TOP 10 of the best textile and light industry enterprises in Russia.
The company's specialists are constantly looking for ways to increase the flexibility and efficiency of production, as well as the quality of products. The efficiency of the work is ensured by the active introduction of information technologies: an automated design system for creating models, a CAD station for the preparation of production and cutting of products, plotters and cutting and flooring complexes. Modern technological production lines equipped with high-performance semi-automatic special equipment are used for sewing products. For the internal and final wet-heat treatment of products, WTO lines are used; equipment that allows obtaining good results for all types of modern fabrics.
TRUVOR is the name of the legendary Varangian prince, ruler of the Pskov land. He represents strength, courage and wise governance.
We create an image of a successful man who knows his own worth and takes the best for himself, including clothes.
The new collection Autumn – winter 2019-2020 emphasizes the beauty of men's classic suit. Nothing superfluous, just simplicity and a subtle sense of style. Coats, suits, trousers and jackets of calm shades, the best fabrics and high quality of execution are the components of the collection for the upcoming season.The clothes are distinguished by clear cut lines, convenience is combined with rigor, compact volumes and a discreet palette.
The suits of the brand "TRUVOR" have an excellent reputation among customers and consumers due to their high quality and perfect fit on the figure and favorably emphasize the individuality of each man.
Keeping true to the classic style, five trends of clothing were created at the factory.TRUVOR.
Business class collection – TRUVOR Luxor high-quality business clothes made of the best fabrics, allowing you to assess your status in a matter of minutes.
Suits for special occasions TRUVOR PERFECT current models from a variety of fabrics in texture, are the epitome of elegance and give a man a fashionable respectable look.
TRUVOR Classic
TRUVOR Classic is a collection for people who love classic business style. Perfectly tailored and, nevertheless, economical suits.
Casual style in the line of TRUVORITY gives a man a free and relaxed appearance. A lot of additional elements, pockets, stitching, fabrics of interesting texture. Trousers are perfectly combined with sweaters and blazers, jackets with jeans.
Junior Junior
TRUVOR Junior school and classic clothes for boys and girls for every day and special occasion. The products of the children's assortment are made of safe fabrics and certified.
In December 2014, the collection of school clothes TRUVOR Junior became a finalist of the All-Russian competition School uniform, organized on the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation with the participation of Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation.
In 2015,for children's productsCJSC Slavyankareceived a badge of public recognition "Star of Quality of Russia".
Clothes Junior elegant, comfortable, stylish, adult!
Fasti Donici
Fasti Donici (Russia) – a brand of modern men's suit, also produced by the clothing factory «Slavyanka». Fasti Donici is a combination of historical roots and modern fashion trends, elegant informality, which is achieved not by extravagance, but by a certain style. These are light, soft fabrics, sophistication in color, texture, freedom in details and accessories. But the main thing is refinement in the cut and excellent processing.
Dovmont – a new premium class brand. It is designed for a wide range of men who prefer a high-quality suit made of the best materials. The technologies of the best Italian and English masters are used in the creation. Dovmont suits are the perfect fit for any figure.