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Online platform «Модный magazi

A tool for promoting the product catalog and attracting orders.
Your online representative office for wholesale sales, a professional online network, a specially created convenient platform for the daily work of showrooms, designers, brands, manufacturers of clothing, shoes, accessories, components and materials.
any brand or manufacturer has the ability to:
  • to position your brand or product on the Internet;
  • create a convenient environment for wholesale online orders of regular customers and new partners;
  • communicate with customers and suppliers directly, without intermediaries;
  • interact with market participants and the expert community;
  • to form a positive opinion about the company among professionals;
  • publish your own expert opinion, materials and articles;
  • receive and process orders and monitor the status of their fulfillment in your personal account;
  • monitor and record electronically the history of negotiations with clients and partners.
24 hours / 7 days a week!
We have created a unique tool for interaction between a wholesale buyer and a seller. Now all orders, negotiation history, correspondence, files and documents on orders are available to you in one click.

In one window, you and your employees can work on current orders, answer questions from wholesale buyers, interact with the editorial staff of the platform, create image reports and advertising formats.
Choose the brands or types of products you need in the catalog.

Put the units you like in the basket, if necessary, you can ask a question about each product. Place an order.

It's amazing: even if you have 1,000 items in your cart, the goods contained in the order are automatically distributed among the supplier companies.

Work on orders in the "Personal Account", specify details on availability, minimum batch, RRC, shipment conditions, receive accompanying documents and contracts.
The order and message feed is available to all managers of the company.

Order statuses, the ability to filter and quickly search, the history of all operations and messages allows you to literally "keep your finger on the pulse".

By providing your wholesale customers with good service and speeding up the payment and shipment process, you will be able to significantly increase the sales turnover of your goods.

The manager clearly sees all orders and statuses, can evaluate the effectiveness of his team in a few minutes in the context of any day or period.
Simple and effective communication with the editorial staff and technical specialists of the Fashion magazin B2B platform.

You provide materials about your brand, company, production, collection. We will design the showcase ourselves, prepare the lookbook, and place the products in the catalog.

Our editors, being in communication with you, will prepare text materials, articles and news about your brand, and publish them independently on the site.

It is a pleasure to work with the Fashion magazin B2B platform. You do not need to study the system, fill the Showroom with content yourself, write materials, keep specialists on staff.
How do I get started with the platform?
Register on the platform and fill in the details of your Legal Entity
Get the approval of the
A personal manager will contact you