Zhostovo and Radical Chic brand launched textile art project
Football players playing in the colors of Zhostovo and having lost balls in their plexus, gelatin bears, through which traditional bouquets are visible, drawings of peonies and roses that have become flowing colors again, and leopards sneaking in flowers, so Zhostovo decorative painting factory with the help of the brand's artists, Radical Chic is exploring the possibilities of a new look at heritage.
The works of the art project were developed for almost a year. It includes 12 fabrics intended for exhibition projects and a capsule collection of clothes and accessories based on a combination of two traditional patterns: flowers in the style of Zhostovo and animalistic leopard print, one of the most cited elements in fashion. The collection will arrive in the brand's stores and factories in August 2019.
Design is always research.This is a means to show that tradition stands the test of time.
«Legacy – the foundation of reliability and confidence in the future.We love the classic works of Zhostovo, because they show that there are real values in the world that can beat time. Despite the fact that our works may seem bold to someone, they only give a different interpretation of the traditional drawing.
Alexandra Kaloshina, founder Radical Chic
We are no longer afraid to mix traditional and classical elements with different styles, take details from different eras and look for completely new approaches. Rules and principles are changing, following the aesthetics of the digital age, but respect for heritage remains unshakable. The past still has a charm.
The digital era unites craft and technical directions, manual and mechanized production: the pattern for the fabric was made by the masters of the Zhostovsky factory in traditional technique, reinterpreted by the brand designers, processed with the help of modern computer programs, and the fabric was produced at the digital printing factory.
Today, crafts have become involved in dynamic socio-economic and cultural processes, have become part of the ethno-economy.The urgency of the problem of continuity and transfer of accumulated artistic experience has increased, and it is the work of the designer that is able to create a balance between tradition and modernity.
Text and photo: Radical Chic