"Unichel" against counterfeit
At the September meeting, members of The Russian Union of Tanners and Shoemakers summed up the work of the leather and shoe industry in the 1st half of 2018, discussed the most important issues and problems of the industry, and outlined additional measures to address them.
The meeting was attended by more than 30 members of the RSCO. One of the main topics for discussion was the issue of measures taken to reduce the volume of illicit trafficking in light industry goods. Vladimir Denisenko, General Director of the shoe factory «Unichel», made a report on this topic. According to him, the problem of counterfeit products illegally imported into the territory of the Russian Federation remains acute for shoemakers.
It's no secret that counterfeiting causes significant damage to Russian enterprises that take a responsible approach to their business and are ready to compete in conditions of fair competition. Contraband products pose a danger to the most important thing - the health of our children. Most people in conditions of reduced purchasing power for obvious reasons choose cheap shoes, without thinking about the fact that it is harmful to health. "Unichel", as a responsible manufacturer, offers high-quality shoes made of natural materials at affordable prices for the population. But when the shoe market is dominated by fakes, counterfeit products, even such an attractive offer is lost. We need to clear the market of fakes and the RSC understands this, – said Vladimir Denisenko.
Following the meeting, a number of measures were taken to reduce the volume of illegal and dangerous products on the Russian market. So, it was decided to work out the issue with the Association of Consumers of Russia, as well as to continue the implementation of the shoe labeling project. The pilot project raises doubts among shoe manufacturers that it will prove to be an effective tool for solving problems. Conscientious participants in the shoe market are afraid that the project will not lead to proper results, because only those who fulfill all tax burdens support the idea of "transparency" of the market, but as for counterfeit suppliers, they will remain in the shadows.
Source: "Unichel"