St. Petersburg hosts a thematic week of light industry
On April 3, the St. Petersburg Import Substitution and Localization Center launched an industry thematic week "Light industry. Made by us. Made for us. The organizers were the Committee for the Development of Entrepreneurship and the Consumer Market of St. Petersburg, the Center for the Development and Support of Entrepreneurship with the participation of the Union of Light Industry Enterprises and the Chamber of Textiles and Fashion.
Within the framework of the Week, representatives of state authorities and the light industry discuss topical issues of import substitution, development, promotion and state support of small businesses in this area, namely sewing, service, trading enterprises operating in the field of production and sale of clothing, accessories, shoes and related textile products.
On the first day of the thematic week, the official opening ceremony took place, within the framework of which a display of festive children's clothing was held by the brand Patriotka and the Fashion House Anastasia Pereverzeva. In addition, the head of the representative office of the Gagauzia ATO of the Republic of Moldova in St. Petersburg Mikhail Popazoglo was given kokoshniks made by from St. Petersburg designers as a gift for the Gagauzia folk dance groupAnastasia Pereverzeva.
The key event of the business program of the first day was a round table ""Problems of light industry". Throughout the days, a rich business program is planned with seminars and round tables on topical issues of the industry, master classes and presentations of manufacturing companies, several fashion shows with shows of the author's collections of St. Petersburg designers, as well as a Festival of Fashion Theaters, manufacturers of children's and teen clothing.».
The thematic exhibition, which will run until April 6, presents leading manufacturers of clothing, fur products, accessories.
Light industry in St. Petersburg is represented by 21 large enterprises, 328 textile and clothing manufacturing enterprises, 98 leather and shoe manufacturing enterprises operate in the medium and small business sector. The industry employs 3.8% of the number of employees, it provides 0.9% of the total output of the industry.
Various types and purposes of clothing, shoes, hats, knitwear, sewing threads and other goods of the textile and clothing industry are produced in St. Petersburg.
The city government aims to support manufacturers and ensure the competitiveness of their products in regional and international markets. On January 30, the Governor of St. Petersburg approved the program "Passport of the priority project"St. Petersburg"center of the international fashion industry", the implementation of which will promote St. Petersburg brands on the international market.
«Subsidies are allocated to light industry enterprises for reimbursement of rental costs of production, warehouse and retail premises. Expenses incurred for participation in international exhibitions are reimbursed, as well as trips of entrepreneurs to specialized exhibitions as part of city delegations are organized. Moreover, support measures are constantly being improved and adapted to the needs of companies," said Elena Kapustina, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Entrepreneurship and the Consumer Market of St. Petersburg at the opening ceremony.