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05.06.2018 | Наталья Кулагина

Moda Made in Italy 2018

Moda Made in Italy is the second largest shoe exhibition in Germany, and it has been held at the MOC exhibition center in the northern suburbs of Munich since 1993. The fair opens up new business opportunities for shoe manufacturers from Italy and other European countries, as representatives of leading fashion stores from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic countries traditionally come here to purchase the most stylish bestsellers of shoes and bags for the upcoming season.



The event is held by Asocalzaturifici – the national association of shoe manufacturers in Italy, located in Milan.



The exhibition area is 10,000 sq. m.More than 200 leading manufacturers of shoes and accessories from Italy and other European countries, representing more than 300 collections, gather here. 


At the 50th season of the exhibition, held from March 25 to 27, 2018, the best collections of fashionable shoes of the autumn-winter 2018/2019 season were shown.



«Moda Made in Italy represents an undeniable opportunity for shoe manufacturers that operate in the German market,–says Giovanna Celini, Vice President of Assocalzaturifici. "Germany is the second market in terms of volume and value for the export of Italian shoes. Here, in the first 11 months of 2017, our country exported 32 million pairs of shoes worth more than 935 million euros, registering significant stability in volume and an increase of more than 3% compared to the same period of the previous year. This event has a very high growth potential. In fact, it is here that buyers from all over the world place the latest orders for deliveries for the current season.



The next season of the exhibition «Moda Made in Italy» will be held from September 30 to October 2, 2018.


Photo: Moda Made in Italy