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B2B Журнал
04.02.2019 | Наталья Кулагина

Beauty festival in Gostiny Dvor

Widely known and the largest international specialized joint exhibition project in Eastern Europe «Jewelry and Accessories» − «Fashion Jewelry» − «Gifts» − «Moscow Clock and Watch»;, will open the 2019 seasons with an exhibition that will take place from March 12 to 14 at one of the best exhibition venues in the country, in the Moscow exhibition complex Gostiny Dvor.


This is a project whose target audience is mainly specialists. It is attended and visited by leading companies in the industry. At the same time, the exhibition project is constantly updated with a variety of products, the composition of participating companies and visitors. In the spring, more than 500 exhibitors are expected to present a wide range of exclusive and everyday jewelry, various accessories and watches.



The concept of the exhibition project is to establish direct contacts between manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and customers of products. Presentations of new brands and already well-known brands, an abundance of marketing information, business communication with partners and the festive atmosphere prevailing at the exhibition attract representatives of the business community. Here you can get acquainted with a wide range of high-quality products and industry development trends in a short period of time.


In addition, the most comfortable financial conditions have been created for the participants of the exhibition − the cost of participation in the project remains unchanged for five years.



The organizers of the exhibition project carry out extensive advertising campaigns, in particular on television, radio, in specialized magazines and on Internet portals, covering many other effective and efficient advertising and marketing areas. All these are serious financial investments that give results – 45% of new specialists from all over Russia, the CIS and foreign countries will take part in the exhibition, and the flow of visitors will increase by 48%.


Participation in the joint project «Jewelry and Accessories» − «Fashion Jewelry» − «Gifts» − «Moscow Clock and Watch» the best promotion of your products in Russian Federations and CIS!


Spring season − from March 12 to March 14, 2019.

The autumn season is from September 17 to 20, 2019.


Photos: provided by the organizers