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31.07.2017 | Ирина Каримова

INNOPROM-2017: vector of development of light industry.

Despite the fact that the country's main industrial exhibition INNOPROM-2017, held in Yekaterinburg in July, is more focused on heavy industry and mechanical engineering, it has set new benchmarks and a vector of development for the Russian light industry.Much has been said about the need to develop the digital economy, about the introduction of innovative technologies at all stages of product development and about the use of modern production methods.


This year the international exhibition INNOPROM was visited for the first time President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin, which indicates the attention of the authorities to the innovative development of the country.



The global fashion industry as a global concept has always been inherently innovative: all new technologies were very quickly introduced here in design, materials, and retail, not to mention technologies for the promotion and sale of finished products. The Russian light industry was more often criticized for its inability to be "in the trend". As it turned out, the Russian light industry can equally represent itself at major industrial exhibitions of the INNOPROM-2017 format, and it is in the segment of small and medium-sized businesses, which, as you know, more often becomes the conductor of all innovative ideas and technologies: there is no inertia that often hinders large players.


Innovative sewing factory SHISHKIN uniform atelier (part of the SHISHKIN Tailor Manufactory,, founder of the company, Ural designer Dmitry Shishkin), participant of the exhibition at the stand of the Sverdlovsk region, presented at the highest level innovative technologies in light industry and the result of their application – a collection of finished products. It is important that it was at the innovation exhibition that it was demonstrated that there are huge opportunities for the use of advanced technologies in the fashion industry. The technology of the virtual fitting room, the production equipment and the products themselves, made with the use of modern technologies, attracted the attention of visitors throughout the exhibition. In addition, VIP gifts created by the company (vests made of heavy-duty titanium silk in the colors of the Russian flag and with the Made in Ural logo)They were awarded to the first persons of the country and the region and became the subject of admiration of numerous guests of the exhibition and journalists.


Summing up the results of the exhibition, Dmitry Shishkin noted that the exhibition was effective and meaningful, the company had new business contacts and development plans, so the course taken earlier for innovative development turned out to be correct.



In the national pavilion of Japan, the partner country of INNOPROM-2017, technologies for heavy industry and scientific developments were presented to a greater extent. But for representatives of all sectors of the economy, there was a stand JETRO (Japan Association for the Development of Foreign Trade), where it was possible to get advice on all aspects of doing business with Japanese enterprises.


According to the reviews of many participants,INNOPROM-2017 ended on a fairly positive note. The exhibition has once again shown its effectiveness for the development of the Russian economy.


The next exhibition is scheduled for July 9-12, 2018, however, it should be borne in mind that due to the World Cup, one of the stages of which will be held in Yekaterinburg from June 8 to July 8, 2018, the dates may be changed. The partner country of INNOPROM-2018 will be South Korea, the key topic of digital manufacturing.