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06.07.2018 | Альбина Весина

Lyudmila Teselkina is included in the expert Council at the Federal Customs Service of Russia

On July 4, the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia On the approval of the composition was approved Expert Advisory Council for the Implementation of Customs Policy at the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Lyudmila Teselkina, Adviser on customs Issues of the Russian Union of Textile and Light Industry Entrepreneurs (Soyuzlegprom), joined the council as a representative of the business community.



Expert Advisory Council for the Implementation of Customs Policy at the Federal Customs Service of Russia This is a permanent expert advisory body whose main task is to support interaction between the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and persons engaged in foreign economic activity, activities in the field of customs, non-profit organizations that unite such persons. EX is developing proposals to improve the customs policy of the Russian Federation, taking into account the interests of the business community, the mechanism of their implementation, promotes the creation of conditions conducive to the development of foreign trade, simplification and acceleration of customs procedures, attracting foreign investment. The composition of the EX is approved once a year.


Photo:social networks