Clothing modeling
Among the huge arsenal of methods of work of a modern designer modeling is fundamental, although only a few designers freely use this tool.
Currently, it is quite difficult to find a highly qualified tailor-cutter to work with a complex cut. However, there are also masters of their craft for a complex cut.
Designer Kristina Pavlova demonstrates how the process of modeling clothes takes place using the example of a dress Dolce Purezza from the collection "Baroque".
The figure shows the work with the pattern, where the basic pattern is shown in black, and the pattern after the modeling process is red.
The main formative source for the creation of the dress Dolca Purezza was the form of curtain tassels in the style of «baroque»:
The modeling process on the example of a dress Dolce Purezza:
1. The shelf and back have been modified so that their central parts completely repeat the shape of the "brush".
2. The chest tucks of the shelf were combined with the waist ones and formed new design lines – reliefs.
3. The relief on the back of the product is formed with the only difference that a detail imitating a brush was divided in half along the back, and a hidden zipper was built in the center.
4. Combining the remaining parts of the shelf and back into one piece to remove the side seam.
5. The detail of the skirt shelves are combined into one in order to get rid of unnecessary seams.
6. A petticoat is designed separately, expanded and reinforced with special materials on the sides. Thanks to the petticoat, the dress acquires the status of a transformer dress: when the petticoat is put on, we have a more rigid skirt design and a brighter version, when the petticoat is removed, we get a more delicate and modern version of the dress.
7. A sew-in sleeve is designed separately, with an elastic band along the edge to give volume to the sleeve and create a semblance of a transformer sleeve: it can be moved lower, and then it will look like a "flashlight", combined with a fluffy skirt on the petticoat, or push it higher directly on the shoulder, removing the petticoat at the same time.
In the final version, the dress was decorated with blue tassels in the style of "baroque" along the lower edge of the skirt, and the reliefs were decorated with a bare twisted cord. The blue cord completely concealed the constructive cuts of the dress, which also expands the field for possible design variations.
Thus, it can be argued that constructive modeling is a simple and at the same time a very effective way to create unique products. You can come up with and implement an almost unlimited number of designs. It is enough just to decide on the idea, form and specific tasks and understand that the pattern is an artist's canvas.
Photo: Kristina Pavlova