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Kristina Pavlova – designer, inventor, creator and chief designer of the brand of clothing for pregnant and nursing mothers with the ironic name «I'm a MOTHER», author of a collection of women's clothing using a complex handmade decor «Baroque».



Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Moscow State Institute of Culture and the Modern School of Design in the direction of "Costume Design".


Author of three innovative useful models for breastfeeding in public places (dresses Free Mom, Hot Mom, Embrace)and one industrial design(dress «Cat»).


Member Union of Designers of Moscow.


Winner of the International Scientific and Practical Competition "Expert of the Year 2018".



Participant of scientific conferences on technical sciences: International Scientific Discoveries 2018, World Science Problems and Innovations 2018, «Culture, science and Art in History and modernity», «Innovative Science», «Scientific research and developments of 2018". Participant and winner of the conference "Current trends in scientific research" together with Richland College, Dallas and others


Kristina is engaged in public activities as the author of the well-known on the Instagram public about natural childbirth after cesarean section, where she helps tens of thousands of women every day on a charitable basis.

Expert's news
21.08.2018 | Альбина Весина
Kristina Pavlova, an expert of the multi-channel b2b platform "Fashion magazin", took first place in the nomination "young designers under 30" at the competition of the Union of Designers of Moscow.
19.03.2018 | Альбина Весина
The expert of the b2b platform "Fashion magazin" Kristina Pavlova became the winner of the contest "Expert of the Year 2018". Congratulations!
12.03.2018 | Кристина Павлова
We consider the possibilities of constructive modeling on the example of the author's design of the "Cat" dress.
12.03.2018 | Кристина Павлова
Let's consider the possibilities of modeling clothes using the transfer of tucks and the formation of new design lines on the example of a Dolce Purezza dress from the "Baroque" collection.