Mamma Mila! This is the only factory in Russia specializing in the production of children's coats. The products of the factory Mamma Mila! meet all the standards of the European quality level.
Together with leading designers, the founder of the brand Lyudmila Nekhorosheva and the chief designer of the factory.Natalia Shmeleva is working on creating new collections, taking into account all fashion trends and trends, selecting each element with love and care.
For the production of our models, fabrics with a high wool content are mainly used. With this composition, the products are light, comfortable and breathable. All models of the coat Mamma Mila! are made in a modern and elegant style.
The products are manufactured using the latest technologies.At our own factory with modern equipment, multi-stage quality control is regularly carried out.
According to the results of 2017, the factory Mamma Mila! has significantly expanded the geography of its brand presence, our products are sold in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Kaluga, Yekaterinburg and 25 other cities Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
The products of the factory Mamma Mila!are a real Russian premium brand that annually presents its new collections at the Moscow exhibition «CJF-children's fashion».
On school days, to music or art classes, to the mall or just for a walk around the city, your child in a coat from the factory Mamma Mila! will feel absolutely comfortable and at the same time cause admiration and respect of others.